Oh yes... am feeling a bit sleep deprived. New neighbors are a house full of rowdy beer-drinking under-age college boys. One more night of Animal House shenanigans and I feel a phone-call to the police dept or child welfare services is in order. The next poster bought some new flowers and worked in their yard this weekend.
A Nap would be lovely, but not in the cards at this time The next poster enjoyed Pride Day in Olympia yesterday
Didn't have a pride in Olympia day in Petaluma, or I might have celebrated! The next poster got LOTS accomplished today, and is beginning to see a glimmering of light at the end of this particular tunnel...and hoping it's not a train tunnel...
why yes. right down to the hope that the light is not a train. the next poster needs to lay down before they fall over.
This poster thinks TJ surely DOES need a nap! The next poster is going to curl up with a buncha DVDs (and avoid the sharp edges) tonight.
Nope, but hope your meeting goes well. Who you meeting with if you don't mind me asking TJ? The next poster has an extension cord running from one room to another because a fuse blew and isn't going to fix it till the morning.
No I don't. The next poster is listening to the new COLDPLAY, and likes it. (the person I am meeting with, is patrickindallas)
Sure am! The next poster is sacrificing a hanging Begonia plant on their patio because doves have chosen to nest there and are sitting on eggs.
We have lots of bird that lay nest around our home. Its neat to watch them go from hatchling to adult. But I do not currently own a begonia with doves. The next poster is currently looking for a cat to comb, because they are tired of finding patches of gray hair on the furniture and carpet.
No, but if you'd like a donation of cat hair, I can set you up with that The next poster is bored at work
Well, I sure got bored with packing, so I stopped for a PC break. The next post feels guilty about NOT working...