(oops, late for that jet plane >>> ) This poster googled to confirm an ancient memory -- yes! Leaving On A Jet Plane was on Album 1700, played thru the groove by my sister ! The next poster's Prius temp-o-meter read 57-deg. on the way to work Wondered if I'd start losing mpg's
No... but I thought it was interesting when driving through different areas yesterday, how the temps would jump from 81 degrees to 91 degrees to 86 degrees. The next poster is having a fuji apple and peanut butter.
Nope, but that sounds really good, I love fuji apples, they are so juicy. The next poster didn't eat breakfast this morning, and is starting to get hungry
I didn't have breakfast this morning, and thanks to a snack I'm not hungry at the moment. The next poster works with people that have no common sense.
My colleagues have no sense, common or otherwise! Be happy, mine read 3 deg. The next poster has to remember to buy a load of coal on the way home.
Nope, not with our 27+ degree C weather here in the Bay Area! The next poster is trying to get up earlier in the mornings.
No, I turned the basement coal bin into a bicycle barn. (oops. Too slow. No, I get up early enough as it is.) The next poster would like to invent a solar furnace.
No, thank goodness and my heart goes out to anyone that is. The next poster is doing the happy Friday dance!
I will if you show me how The next poster has had a stressful morning and is hoping tonight goes a bit smoother.
Not really. The next poster's summer vacation officially started on Wed. but they haven't had a real "vacation" day yet.
No. The next poster is now looking for a job, after his/her last job was over eight years ago, in an industry that is now not hiring, because they are the ones faced with financial ruin due to the floods in Iowa.
Been there, done that ... and mastered the adversity ... mostly. Tough times, TJ, and you'll make it ! Hang tough, and may the force be with you ! As that white peoples site says, there's always >>> :canada: The next poster knows that misfortune is always just a stones throw away, and we're all survivors. :thumb:
Yes... you never know what the next day will bring. The next poster has good friends to get help them through troubles and relies on them often.
Yes, my friends have been a true blessing and I'm very grateful for them. The next poster is happy they finally got some quiet next door neighbors *fingers crossed it stays that way*
Yes for now, but, with upcoming move, is still keeping fingers crossed it remains that way. The next poster just CANNOT believe the tsuris (Yiddish...google it) involved in packing up a place s/he has lived for MANY (15, in this case)...and just how friggin' hard it is to organize a move...
The last time I moved, there was nothing organized about it, so I know how you feel. The next poster is looking forward to tomorrow, because they have Mondays off!
i haven't taken a day off in i lost track how long. the next poster just crossed a bunch of stuff off the to-do list.
Nope. Not a friggin' thing. I've spent the last four days (W, Th, F, Sa) mostly at my parents' house because my Dad went in for back surgery. First four days of my summer vacation and didn't get thing one done. He came home yesterday. Today I'm sitting in my own house and too hot and sweaty to do anything. I filled up the fountain in the front yard and added a chlorine tablet. That's it. The next poster is just sitting and sweating and praying for the heat wave to end.
Hope your Dad recovers quickly Godiva. We got a break today from the heat wave up here but it looks like it's going to be miserable again next week. Bleah. The next poster has to talk to Verizon customer service tomorrow and is not looking forward to it.