Mmm...I have no objection to doing that but in truth I wear very little jewelry. So I guess that's a "no". The next poster recently heard from an old high school acquaintance (gotta love Facebook).
Double negatives are never not difficult to process. The next poster is staring out at an electric blue sky. (the kind only a frosty morning can bring).
Well, sometimes, in books, yes... not so much in movies. In real life, never... The next poster's "adult child" has moved back home...
No, she hasn't left yet. All her stuff is still here, and I see her occasionally. The next poster's ready for a good night's sleep.
Nope....ordered chinese food tonight. The next poster has a great big smile on their face because their dealer just called to let them know their Prius will be delivered next week.
No, I'm currently working my way through the first seasons of The Office (US version), Kids in the Hall, and Saturday Night Live. The next poster had a glass of wine with a good friend tonight.
Does ice cream with Kahlua count? The next poster's secret confession is that he/she likes dry-cleaned, starched shirts
No, but I do like drycleaning in general (less laundry for me). The next poster's favorite color is red.
No, I don't get sunburns since I am already brown. Didn't canoe either. The next poster will be in Chicago this weekend. Oops, replied too quickly. No, I got up six hours ago.
Yes, to somewhere fun like Cancun or something. The next poster drinks at least 8 glasses of water a day.