nope- want closed toed shoes while working with radioactive liquids... the next poster needs to call their dad tonight.
Would love to be able to do that, but my dad passed away when I was 18 months old. The next poster wants to go see the new Body Worlds exhibit.
Nope; the wife drives it primarily, and has kept it trashed, sorry to say. The next poster knows that when it comes to keeping things clean, men sometimes are better at it. And the next poster may be afraid to admit that.
really? whew, it's the other way around in this household. the next poster is celebrating someone's 30th birthday tomorrow. and that someone is totally ok with turning 30. [eclectcmoi, sorry to hear about your dad. i didn't have a dad until the age of 21- so i think you and i could relate on some things.]
The most recent birthday here was a 70th. (Hell no, not mine. ) The next poster got peed on by a squirrel today. :mmph:
Um, not. Did it think you were a nut? (should have asked us, we could have confirmed that...) The next poster just lost his/her train of thought!! (derailed, I'm sure)
Unusually for me, no. The next poster has an appointment with a today. (and we ALL know Hyo IS a nut!)
No... no appointments for me today. Good luck rufaro. The next poster found a gardenia on their car this morning when they left for work. (Thanks galaxee. I'm very sure we would.)
Well I took myself out to lunch if that counts. ^_^ The next poster thinks the 'new' de Young museum in Golden Gate Park is beautiful on the inside and butt-ugly on the outside.
I had to google the museum to see the pics, and I have to say the exterior is 'odd'. The pictures that I found of the inside, OTOH, are amazing. The next poster has a b-day this month.
Nope, one of my friends birthday is tomorrow. The next poster is shopping and their feet need a rest.
Instant gratification The next poster is wishing he/she was on a beach somewhere, with a cold one in hand.
The beach sounds nice, but I'd rather have a hot one in hand. The next poster would rather go back to bed this morning.