Yes, but you don't want it to look TOO clean because people won't believe I do any work! The next poster is listening to a terrific rainstorm out side and saying thanks to St. Heribert.
No, no rain here. I am listening to the sound of baby lambs baaaaing though, which on a suburban street in So Cal, is sort of a surreal feeling. It's the neghborhood block yard sale day and there is a 4H Petting Zoo fundraiser across the street. The next poster has chores to do and needs to get to um.
Finished! The next poster last night, got to explain to a room full of strangers, the real truth about Hybrids. And one person said, 'Now I want one.'
not last night but i've been there. the next poster has been at work in some way, shape, or form for 19 out of the last 20 days.
yeah, something like that. if there's no rest for the wicked, wonders the next poster, when do I get to be wicked?
Yes, I feel your pain. I'm working tomorrow too. The next poster has seen a UFO sometime in her/his life :alien:
I will admit to that. The next poster is thinking, 'Great,the previous poster admits to believing in little green men and God; they must be a true whack job.'
If you want to take the most literal definition of the term "UFO", sure. Edited: Damn. Double post. No, that's certainly not what I was thinking. The next poster is grateful that the weather has cooled down a bit.
I wish - the only cool place around here right now is the swimming pool. The next poster needs to change all of their sun-baked windshield wiper inserts before monsoon season hits.
No. No need to cool down here in Seattle. Need to warm up. The next poster is contemplating getting a late night snack.
No, considering that it's early morning now. But I did have a snack last night. The next poster is in Washington D.C. and is going to the Natural History museum today.
No, not going to be in DC today (but it sounds like fun). The next poster has big plans for this Father's Day.
I do. Big extended-family picnic this afternoon. The next poster's taking their coffee out in the yard while the little angels are still sleeping.
No little angels here...Even the dog is elsewhere... (or , depending on your point of view). The next poster has NO plans for fathers day.
No 'official' plans, to speak of. The next person is planning to swim and play in a pool/lake/ocean today.
Yes...Happy Father's Day to all of the dad's out there! The next poster will be grilling steaks for dinner today.
Nope, I hate steak, would much rather have grilled fish The next poster is wearing flip flops and loving it!