Yeah, I could go for some Pringles, BBQ ones are the best. The next poster is watching a couple Koi swim around in a fish tank.
No, but I am watching my betta Zin swim around his tank on my desk. The next poster would like a two-fer Tuesday.
Nope, but you know what goofy thing I did do today?... I got this wonderful front row endspot parking place at work today, then at quitting time forgot that I found this close spot and out of habit walked up 4 flights of parking lot stairs to where I usually park The next poster hopes their short term memory is functioning better tomorrow.
No... I am blessed with more than that. The next poster is in pain and REALLY needs a back massage today.
Too much excercise on yr back? Maybe try one of those cheap battery-op massaging vibrators The next poster made an irresistable impulse buy, a CD not heard in ages
NO, Havent been to Texas in almost 20 years. The next poster JUST turned their calendar page over from May to June.
No, but I cannot believe it's alreaedy June. The next poster is disgusted by someone who is utterly immature, rude and unprofessional.
Ka-Ching! Bingo! Absolutely so! :nod: Maybe we work in the same nut-house! The next poster is teaching a couple of field classes today, the best part of the summer semester.
Well... I am easily distracted and I wish that I could be outside on a hot sunny day, but I'm stuck inside at work. The next poster just found out that bird poop can really mess up their paint job
No, but dozed on the couch for a few minutes while watching Sex in the City. The next poster is wearing flannel pajamas and it's 90 degrees outside.
Nope, I'm wearing unmentionables, and that's all I have to say about that. The next poster is debating about making camping or motel reservations for hybridfest.