Nope. I am in lab! Yes, I like working on holidays. I like the quietness. The next poster loves to cook.
Not a personal ad I'd be answering anytime soon! Hee... The next poster did something very adventurous this weekend.
No but I really should give the kitchen a good mopping one of these days. The next poster finally finished something this weekend that they had started over 2 years ago.
Sort of, though I started it or thought of it anyway more than two years ago. The next poster is having a hard time concentrating on work today.
Yeah, but I'm working anyway. Right after lunch... The next poster got their haircut yesterday and looks years younger. Well, at least that's what the hairdresser said...
Yeah, always a little tired in the mornings. The next poster hopes it doesn't rain today, so they can finally mow the grass.
Sort of... I hope it doesn't rain because my son is on his end-of-the-school-year field trip to Hagg Lake and I would like for all the kids to have a nice time. I don't mow the grass. The next poster is procrastinating like me, and should be doing some work!
Well, I am having lunch. I will go back to work in 5 min. The next poster is wearing green pants, green socks and a top with white, little bit of dark blue and green.
Nope. White shirt, grey pants, black socks and shoes. At least until I get home and put my shorts on. The next poster wonders where eclectcmoi is today.
Do I wonder where I am? Oh yeah... been birthday celebrating!!! arty: The next poster would like to come to my party.