Indeed! And I saw it. To answer the question, no, I am not looking forward to a three day weekend. Is there one coming up? The next poster is blissfully unaware of things like three day weekends, since they are retired.
Nope, not retired and I still look forward to three day weekends. The next poster lost their tomato seedlings to the recent heat wave. :hurt:
No. Sorry to hear that. Heat wave!? I am worried that my small tomato plants will die due to cold. The next poster is planting tomatoes, egg plants and chilli peppers for the first time in nine years because now he/she has a spacious balcony.
No, but I'll have a balcony on the cruise ship! The next poster hit a coyote with the Prius, Sunday night. [no serious damage, to either, I think]
Probably more often than you, Orion, but still not as much as I used to. Too busy and too tired. The next poster taught a class tonight but is a student tomorrow night.
No, never heard the beep. EDIT: Sorry, TJandGENESIS, didn't refresh and see your post. Yes, I am wearing shoes. The next poster has stuff they need to finish.
Always and forever...perpetual stuff. The next poster has Steve Miller's "The Joker" stuck in their head.
No, it's actually slightly cool outside, but has been nice all day. I drove the Prius today with the windows down and the A/C off. The next poster would never admit to enjoying watching mixed martial arts.
I sneezed twice about 20 minutes ago. Does that count? The next poster has plans to make and is looking forward to that.
My plan for this weekend is to make as few plans as possible. The next poster is trying to find the proverbial needle in a haystack (a missing person, in my case).
No, but I'm sorry to hear that! I hope you find them. The next poster saw a white crane and a family of ducks when they were walking to the gym today.
Well... by tomorrow I will be swimming. The next poster in currently in bed, and doesn't want to get up...