Nope The next poster is washing their sheets and cannot wait to sleep their fresh and clean sheets...
Well... I did that on Saturday and yes, love to sleep in fresh clean sheets. The next poster had a VERY wacky :crazy: dream last night.
Not so much wacky but very strange. At least it wasn't the nightmare from the night before. The next poster has read Three Cups of Tea
Haven't read it, but you & Evan have given great reviews -- it's on my list. Next poster is still wondering (online wondering:) about the wackos in that dream !
I am wondering! The next poster woke up last night in the middle of the night and could have sworn that they smelled muffins.
Finally? How can the previous poster suggest that the current poster answer the next poster's question when they haven't asked it yet? The next poster has no idea what the penultimate poster is talking about.
Yes, it is a bit of a brain tickler. I think it all may be part of TJ's very cunning plan. The next poster had to look up the definition of "penultimate".
nah, the local NPR station uses 'penultimate' all the time in their fund raising drives. The next poster wishes someone close to him / her would stop smoking
I am lucky, no one I knows smokes, that is close to me, but I do know some people that I converse with that I would like to see quit. The next poster is aware of my plan, to confuse the next poster, by admitting that the next poster is finally getting around to answering the next poster.
Yes TJ... I KNOW what you're up to! :tape2: And I promise to tell NO ONE! The next poster wants to offer the previous poster a bribe for secrets.
Nuh-uh -- no high-maintenance involvements here. Besides, maybe I already know the secrets :evil: The next poster bought those For-Eyes see-your-secrets glasses
Wrong. This poster lives in a perpetual state of confusion. The next poster's Friday is tomorrow (Thursday).
Nope. It's my library tech's "Friday" as she's taking Friday off. I'll be working alone on Friday so it will be like my "Monday". The next poster is thrilled they finished their master's e-portfolio and is now worried and awaiting feedback to see if they are going to graduate in May.
no, but i'd like to find someone to complain to about this summary statement. the next poster just got burned.
No, but sorry for you, Galaxee. The next poster is going to take advantage of the state's "Tax Free Weekend" tomorrow.:clap2:
Yes, I am suit hunting if that counts. The next poster is going to be in the Country Music Marathon tomorrow (not me!)