No, but I get lots of thankyous from the resident Hubby! The next poster has too many books to read...
Oh man yes. I took a lunchtime nap in the Prius but I got so little sleep last night I'm ready to.... :bored: The next poster is currently reading the complete Bone series (by Jeff Smith) .
No, but years ago I really enjoyed Keri Hulme's "Bone People" and I've read most of Kathy Reichs' "Bones" books. The next poster is really undergoing sunlight withdrawl problems due to the change in seasons (Autumn is nice but I don't like doing chores in the dark)
quite the opposite, which makes sense given that we're in very different parts of the world! the next poster spent the night constructing a bibliography.
Thank ye Gods, no! I am so done with that grind. I did spend a lot of the late evening constructing a draft IEP for a child, though. The next poster has a new Maine Coon boarding with them.
No, just my everday boarder Maine Coon (Jasper--the time and space traveling cat). The next poster got reprimanded and deleted from their own HOA website today for asking a simple question (why are all the board members quitting, Mr. President?).
No. But it will happen soon, perhaps end of the week. The next poster wonders if galaxee used EndNote to make her references (as per earlier post).
Relieved to have weathered one crisis ... now, on to the next one. =================== The next poster just received a copy of his ancient HS graduation photo, sent by a classmate setting up a reunion, and wonders ... That rag-tag, motley crew of Lord of the Flies misfits just looks like a friendly group of kids! – What happened?! Is that really us ?!?!
Aren't we all? ("All we are is dust in the wind...") The next poster is starting an exercise class at work next week.
Only in Kansas. Yes, we are all joining up at work to get healthier. The next posteur is finally doing their stinkin' :drama:taxes.
Not yet. But I'll have to dedicate this weekend to it. The next poster is also procrastinating another job that has an approaching deadline.
Too many deadlines approaching faster than I'd like, but not procrastinating. The next poster thinks the pole dancing trend has set women's liberation back several decades.
Nah... Men just need to fight for their rights to pole dance as well! The next poster has a pain in their neck.
Nope. No dog to walk. And I don't think Jasper, the cat, would take too kindly to a leash (MEOW!) The nexter poster is listening to the wind howl outside the window and hoping that the storms tonight aren't too severe.