nope, we still haven't had a housewarming party. hmm. the next poster will be hosting a friend while he's on a 4 day pass.
No, and I didn't get mine, either. The next poster has found a new addiction online... (Left Behind Fridays) Okay, slow posting.... No, but we have had military personnel sleeping here at various times. The next poster is still addicted to Left Behind Fridays...
No, not sure what that is, Rae. The next poster just discovered that their birthday falls on Easter next year. (Galaxee, hope your feline is feeling better soon)
more reason to have a really nice dinner, aunt bee! [kitty is fine now, but pilling those two goons is a major pain!!] the next poster can't wait for home grown vegetables!
Yes, but it will probably be 10 more years until I go back home and grow vegetables (or when I buy a home in US sometime...). The next poster loves taking Spring photos.
Yes, but mine don't turn out as nicely focused as that one. The next poster took approximately 16702 steps today.
Probably not, but don't know for sure. I have a step counter, but have never used it. I need to learn how. The next poster found out today that their favorite young couple may be headed toward divorce
No. THe next poster just realized he/she ;eft PriusChat minimized all night, so it appears he/she was on it all the time.
it was minimized (ignored computer when DH got home) but my computer goes to standby after a while. the next poster is having a special dish for dinner tonight.
Well, yes, sorta. My mother is making lasagna tonight. I don't get that very often. The next poster is re-purposing an old cabinet from a thrift store into a new nightstand.
No, but very cool that you are Godiva. I love reusing furnture. The next poster is very disappointed that the patio table they wanted at Ikea is all sold out.
(Perry... it's your marshmallows that are burning!) No... so far so good with the hair, but then again I don't have a mullet. The next poster thinks not too many people are posting to this thread anymore.
Not too many? Not enough? Whatever do you mean? The next poster has never been too concerned with other's opinions.
Well yes, no, maybe... what do YOU think? The next poster tried but couldn't log into PC yesterday so has some catching up to do.
...just made WHAT up? The next poster just noticed the '08 Consumer Reports auto issue lists guess which car as having the highest owner satisfaction rating [drumroll please] Yup, the Pri at 92%. Are we soo smuggly or what? :first:
I like that ... smuggly! I heard about that report here on PC. The next poster brought Rolling Pin donuts for the goody table at work today.