Nope - just a quick lunch down at the local cafe. The next poster found a knitted cupcake on their doorstep when they got home today. The smallest of my outdoor camping stoves fits in my pocket. The next poster's next door neighbour has a van with 437,000 miles on it. are you SURE that it's MILES and not Kilometres, Hyo--but impressive either way. The next poster is being pressured by his/her entire family to move closer to them (from 400 miles to 4, in LaLaLand, no less...)
Not today, but I did that Saturday. I pulled enough wild onions to make a big salad. The next post is having a hard time typing because of one mischievous kitty cat wanting some attention. There he goes, after the cursor again!
Nope. I also do not like sauerkraut. Or pickles. Or brussel sprouts. Or lima beans. Or okra. I especially detest okra. The next poster is so glad it's Friday and has a lot of plans for the weekend just for themselves and not having to do for others.
Roper boots are taking a rest today - sneaks on Friday! Behind in PriusChat? Tell me about it! ================== Having forgotten to check the MPG-meter-reader for the 1st time in 10 weeks of Prius life, the next poster is obliged to turn in his NewbieCard to the proper authorities
Yes, already turned in the card. The next poster worked for 54 hours this week already and will have close to 60 - 65 hours this week (and love it).
nope, slow week. ask me again in 2 weeks though. the next poster has a sick kitty at home and more vet bills due than monthly rent...
Sorry about that, but I can understand. The next poster has damage to their skylight due to the hail storm last night. :rain:
Nope. No hail and no damage. The next poster is planning another round of meditative weed pulling this weekend.
Nope....don't have a yard! Plus I'm tired of meditating so much. The next poster has never had a mechanical problem with their Prius.
You are correct, although i think the fact that i have 930 miles on it helps...haha The next poster has to fill out a 25 page background investigation packet for the job he hopes to get
Thank goodness no. I'm afraid they'd fall into a dead faint reading about my history! :faint: The next poster sent out evites today for a housewarming party.