I certainly prefer to parallel park in those conditions. I didn't get adept at parallel parking until I started some classes up in San Francisco on Saturday mornings. Nothing like trying to find any available parking space in the City to motivate you to become an expert parallel parker. The worst though is having to parallel park in a small space, on a steep incline (going up) with traffic zipping by you. :wacko: Nope - just a half eaten apple. The next poster wouldn't mind a bit of a break right about now.
yes. if one can call folding laundry taking a break. the next poster is alone tonight, and not liking the prospect of spending 7 months this way.
Yep. But most of the time I prefer my alone-ness. The next poster experienced many technical difficulties at their workplace today.
Yes, I have. The next poster is listening to a long lost great rock band, the TUBES. White Punks On Dope.
Nope. I am not listening to the Tubes. Just the clicking and humming of my computer, and Sushi's snoring. The next poster is praying that they made some good decisions today.
Nope, haven't heard of them. Death Cab For Cutie, actually. No major decisions today...just the garden variety ones. Hope they turn out right, Auntie. The next poster remembers how traumatic all the drama of adolescence is.:argue:
Errrr... ribbit. Sorry to hear about your throat galaxee. The next poster now has the Tubes song She's a Beauty going through their head. (Thanks TJ... love that song.)
No, I've had "Wear your love like Heaven" stuck in mine all week. The next poster got a package in the mail today!
Maybe so! -- on to the P.O.... The next poster finds this thread to be the love child of a horoscope & a fortune cookie
Mmmmm...nah, I find it to be more of a collection of daily mini-blog type entries. The next poster will post something completely unrelated to themselves.
No, I just had some green tea The next poster needs to take books to the library (there's a FREE table there that I put stuff on occasionally)
No, I never have. My library doesn't have anything like that. The next poster had lunch with an old friend today.