no but sounds like a good idea The next poster must lose 20lbs by June and had a big ol' pork chop and key lime pie tonight.
Nope. I'm ust trying to maintain. The next poster has to retract their last post (3854 I think) because now, 2 days later, they have summer cold.
Why, I have, since I am a preacher and all. The next poster won't try to shove the Bible down anyone's throats, since it's not for them to tell others what to do with themselves.
Yep, I'm pretty cool with the non-shoving of Bibles in general. The next poster thinks it's time to kick off spring cleaning with a few ebay sales.
No, but I was up too early this morning. Again. Sigh. The next poster wonders if the pillow is supposed to go over the snorer's head, or the snoree's.
i've sold on ebay, but they just *really* pissed me off so no more. the next poster might be a co-author on a book chapter.
NO, but once co-authored a screenplay and a newspaper article. That's exciting Galaxee. The next poster is listening to distance thunder tonight and hopes it stays distant.
YES!! The next poster has decided that the planet is not fair. Or at least some of the people on the planet.
No, I'm pretty good about going to bed when I'm tired, but I could certainly stand to be more productive. The next poster can't believe it's snowing.
That's true because I look outside and see only sunshine and wisps of clouds decorating a blue, blue sky (sorry, couldn't resist!) The next poster enjoys looking at other people's doodles.