No, I don't have a garden. I don't really have space for one here although a friend of mine who's renting a house has said I can mooch a plot off of her. The next poster thinks the local Goodwill is a great place to get furniture.
Only when I stand up and start moving... then my joints usually do snap, crackle, and pop! The next poster has daffodils!
I'd rather make chocolate chip cookies b/c rice krispy treats get to sticky for my liking. The next poster is having a pretty darned decent day today.
Yeah, otherwise where else would I hide the pb&j? The next poster toured a new bioengineering research facility and was very impressed with the $750,000 confocal microscope (no touchy - you breakee you payee).
Not lately. I did tour the new aerospace teaching facility at MTSU a while back and was quite impressed. The next poster started their Freedom From Smoking facilitator training today.
Nope. Never inhaled. The next poster is returning their Apple Timecapsule POS and getting their $500 back.
I was... but DH was just getting up for "day shift" at 3am. The next poster feels slightly slighted at times...
Yeah, those backhanded compliments can be subtle. The next poster is more than ready for a four day weekend.
i'm taking three days, and only because the microscope was completely booked tomorrow. i should have booked earlier. the next poster is listening to the radio.
I hope so... I don't plan on a nap today. The next poster just found out that they HAVE to get their passport [renewed].
Nope... mine is good for a few more years. The next poster has not yet had their one and only Cadbury Egg for the season.