Guess it depends upon your point of view. But I think I am up late. The next poster is happy to have their own Prius back home safe in the garage (Yes Ruby, there's 'no place like home'). BTW, improved the rental Pri's gas milage from 38 mpg to 51 mpg in the week that I drove it.
Yes!! I stalked some ducks and swans yesterday (for photographing purposes). The next poster saw The Shining (movie) yesterday. "Danny isn't here Mrs. Torrence"
nope, but i like the idea of stalking water fowl in our backyard... might take some pictures today. the next poster got a very good thing in the mail yesterday.
yes- and we expected it to rain all day today too. instead it's been very nice so i put a couple layers of wax on the car. the next poster is wiped out! literally, i could not wipe the car one more time.
No waxing today.(...but how can you be done if it's not dark yet?) The next poster was asked about electric cars today by someone who is genuinely interested.
No but I will be shortly. The next poster was surprised today at how many restaurants in Berkeley are closed on Sunday. Especially pizza joints. izza:
No... never actually been to Berkeley. The next poster is feeling rather melancholy tonight and is not sure why.
Not really, I haven't been to Berkeley since 1998. The next poster is glad the PBS beg-a-thon ends tonight. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Not really melancholy, just bugged by how much didn't get done this weekend. Sorry you have a bit of a blue, 'moi. The next poster is still glad the PBS beg-a-thon ends tonight, being up-to-here with Celtic Women & Yanni & miracle high fiber diet shows.
No. The next poster has to take out the dogs. One has gas. I had to say, I was surprised by this in Dallas today as well! Same with pizza joints! izza:
If I had dogs it probably would be time to take them out. My kitty Jasper passed gas earlier tonight. I had never heard that coming from him before. (He's a cute little fartbucket--he's chasing the cursor on the screen as I type). The next poster is trying to rally some support at work for the bowling league to start again. :bowl:
No... I did my best to refrain from stalking anything this weekend. Oops... Don't think I'll be having anything traditionally Irish tonight. The next poster told a very good friend that what they were doing was wrong and now said friend, while agreeing with the poster, is not speaking to them.
No. But it happens. At least you know why your friend stopped talking to you. The next poster went in to work on their vacation day....and took the dog to have a sniff around where Mommy works.
No The next poster had to re-load half their address book, after a crash that Apple says never happens. :typing:
No, but I had a bad sector on the MacBook and had to they aren't perfect, but they're still WAY better than PC's (IMHO.) :thumb: The next poster has to move.
No, and yes. I'm never moving out of my house ever. I'll die first. But....I have to move all of my stuff home from school since my position has been eliminated and I won't know what school I'll be at or what I'll be teaching in the Fall. The next poster will be soaking the ground prior to turning and planting tomorow since they did NOT get all of the rain they were anticipating.