No, I had a meeting tonight that went very well and was genuinely productive. The next poster thinks Obus Forme makes a wonderful office chair that Perry would really like.
Not sure about that chair, but I do love my Raynor Eurotech Ergohuman chair. It has really good lumbar support. The next poster is eating a salad for lunch that has ingredients that really shouldn't go well together, but do.
No. Should I? The next poster just went to see a close friend who broke his ankle by falling on ice. He is going in to surgery to put permanent plates on his foot. Winter sucks.
Sorry for your friend Michgal. I've fallen on ice enough times for me to really hate winter. Next poster is happy that DST starts tomorrow and really happy that weatherguys were wrong about the snow.
No, I don't want to get up earlier:yawn: but yes I am glad we didn't get the ice storm of the century. The next poster is trying to lose weight but ate a piece of cheesecake tonight anyway.( was chocolate)
No. DST tomorrow? Damn. When will people learn it doesn't save anything? The next poster spent the entire day looking for their choli/sari set and still can't find it.
nope. i don't even know what that is! the next poster sees that 2.5 months of driving a performance oriented car makes a chronic leadfoot much worse, even when going back to a prius.
Nope. The next poster got up early to prepare for a meeting they're not sure they're going to have or not.
Nope, but I have to get up at the crack o'dawn tomorrow to take Ruby to the body shop. Next poster is glad that the rental folks were able to reserve me a Prius to drive while mine's getting restored original perfect self.
that really is nice. i hated the rental car i was in. hope the repairs go well! the next poster is all messed up by the dst change.
Not yet, but I'm sure I will be within the next day or two. The next poster had a faux summer day today with 82 degree weather.
No but I saw a woman with faux eyebrows last night ...scareyhoto: The next poster has had the sniffles all day and is pretending to not be sick.
Nope, a couple of dust-induced sneezes, but no cold. The next poster was quite the handyperson today, fixing several heritage light fixtures, and stringing a hammock in the basement.
LOL. I don't mind DST. The next poster bought sneakers from Nike last weekend (wanted new shoes because old sneakers are falling aprt, the shoes what I wanted happened to be Nike) and is feeling bad...