Yes. I don't understand how the Democratic Party can't see that if Hillary is the nominee, President McCain will be sworn in in Jan. '09. The next poster is going to hug their dog and kiss him on the lips and tell him what a good dog he is because of what those sociopathic Marines did to that poor puppy.
Well..... I didn't kiss him on the lips, but I gave my 60 lb spotty hyena looking mutt a big ole rubdown and scratched his ears and belly... Seems to me those Marines need some serious counseling.... By a major BadA$$ Drill Instructor who will remind them just what being a US Marine means. (Stepping down from my soapbox) The next poster is wondering if it's time to trim their fingernails in order to make typing easier......
No. This poster is curious about what happened to that dog with the Marines (?) . The next poster is having free Starbucks because the system was down, so they gave the previous poster (moi), theirs for free.
Nah, I brew my own. The next poster rejigged their computer stereo and now will be deaf even sooner. :rockon:
I haven't messed with the computer stereo for a while, but the Yamaha speakers and subwoofer will rock the house! The next poster would like some ice cream with their Pi.
Yes, but only if the pi is heated, otherwise just the pi. The next poster loves the movie, "When Harry met Sally."
Why, yes, I do. I own the soundtrack. Used it for my parents' 50th Wedding Anniversary. (T.J. google David Motari. But don't watch the video.) The next poster is searching the house for their pack of 4x6 photo paper so they can print some pictures.
Close, it is the 8x10 I am looking for. The next poster, because of cold weather is going to make some blackberry cobbler...and share a pic.:biggrin1:
Well, I might if I had some blackberries, but it could be a long wait. Like, maybe until July. The next poster feels better, and comfortably tired, after doing their stretching.
No; did not stretch. The next poster did indeed view that video of the puppy being tossed. And wondered, first, is it real? And secondly, even if it's not real, it's sick, and thirdly, if it's real, it's a sign that this world has gone off the rails.
No.... I didn't view it. It's hard for me to watch stuff where animals are being mistreated. The next poster has a cure for hiccups that always works.
Yes but it seems to only work for me! The next poster doesn't understand how they can be cold when it is 70 degrees outside!
Nope. In fact, I don't remember the last time I had a head cold. Most of my "sick" days have gone to bad back, stomach or....other end. The next poster was late to class tonight because they fell asleep when they got home from work. (Never change your clothes, lay on the bed and just "rest your eyes" for a moment.)
No, but I was late getting home from the office and then there was dinner to make and then there's all the front work for the school carnival and pack all five of us to drive 5 hours to the camp directors meeting tomorrow and prep for an IEP meeting next week and do the taxes and find a new house to buy and... The next poster thinks this is one of the 5 whiniest posts ever.:drama:
No, I think it was honest. The next poster has a recommendation for a comfortable computer chair (I am getting a "dead end").:twitch:
Perhaps (What is "normal"? It keeps shifting.) The next poster is curious to see if the snow prediction for this weekend comes true.
[edit] oops took too long to write my post: Nope, if it snows here this weekend I'll expect to see :flypig: I wish I knew what normal was, so I could get back to it. At work we have Herman Miller Aeron chairs, which are very nice but also high $$$$. Next best and less expensive, I would recommend a Haworth X-99 task chair. The next poster found some good deals at Home Depot they couldn't pass up today.
No, I avoid the big box stores whenever I can. The next poster had a political meeting tonight that just validated why to get out of political meetings!!!!