Not today but I get that feeling just about everytime I walk back to work from lunch downtown. In fact.... The next poster wants to take a nice long walk right now.
not in the nasty weather here! the next poster has a sore throat, and needs to recover before a very long day tomorrow.
Hows about still recovering from a 3 week long fight with the flu that has me coughing enough to rip my throat apart? And every day a long one..... espcially on a six day work week. Hmmmmm The next poster is planning to be a TV couch potato tonight....
Almost right... I do sit on the couch when I read The next poster doesn't do dishes, as he/she has a dishwasher... and doesn't do windows, as they don't fit in the dishwasher. :boink:
I ran at lunch. Too cold and wet to walk. The next poster chews gum after lunch, and really enjoyed hearing the latest statistic that gum-chewing helps in weight loss.
Don't do it and didn't know it. I am buying gum tomorrow! The next poster is trying to drop a few pounds before going to Florida.:hungry:
No and hopefully not for awhile. I like my "new" apartment (and am still recovering from the move to it from last year!) The next poster had leftover Mexican food for lunch today.
No. The next poster got served papers today because a house he has been trying to sell in Florida for 9 months has not sold, and is now being foreclosed on.
Nope. The next poster just found out their job has been eliminated due to budget cuts. (Thank you Arnold you big fat liar.)
No, and I'm sorry, Godiva. The next poster just realized that she is missing a book. A substantial book. No idea where it is.
no but i think i am missing my mind. the next poster is going to miss date night that they have been excited about for weeks, thanks to a workday that's going to turn out to be at least 11 hours long.
Well I am having a date night.. .With the Dog! DH is on business The next poster hasn't had gummy bears in ages!!
after sitting here thinking about cupcakes I just might have too!!! YUMMY!!! The next poster's house is a mess