Yes! excellent idea. Too late to help me out this year...I'll have to wait until 2012. The next poster has tried every variety of bagel at Panera.
Nope, I wish. Can they be faxed like muffins? The next poster went to a CSA* board meeting and was treated to the most awesome strawberry peach ginger cobbler. *(Community Supported Agriculture)
No, but I'm very interested in signing up with a CSA grower for weekly boxes of goodies! The next poster visited a friend in the hospital today.
All the time! DH and I are very tuned into each other. The next poster is enjoying another rainy day...
Not today. About to leave for "Sad" hour to commiserate with my teacher librarian colleagues as we are all about to lose our jobs. The next poster enjoyed making a formal complaint today against their local (substandard) post office for the second time this week and for an entirely different issue than the previous complaint.
No but whatever your complaint was I hope some action is taken to correct the problem! The next poster is going to a white elephant sale tomorrow.
Not yet. Too wired. My poor little Prius, Ruby, got smashed into (Hit N Run) at the grocery story tonight. I want to cry. The next poster is hoping that tomorrow is a better day.
Aunt Bee: man, that's horrible. {{{hugs}}}. No injuries for you I hope? No, no laptop repair here. No laptop at all (yet). The next poster got a sudden house/cat-sitting assignment tonight.
Nope. Slept in. The next poster is going to do laundry today. And dishes. And if they still have energy might make something yummy for dinner.
did all that yesterday and then some. and still can't sit still today. the next poster is doing some serious calculating.
Yes. Well, the computer does most of the calculating, but I still have to do the thinking part. The next poster has a new kitty friend that likes to visit.