Yes... it's going on, RIGHT NOW!! (dammit, living in town is a pain... inconsiderate louts down the block sitting there, idling their big truck, with the lights on, making visibility really bad) The next poster would like a little place in the country.
Sometimes The next poster watched the eclipse from his pool deck; it was such a nice evening, that the next poster even ate dinner on the pool deck.
No, I wish I had a pool...I wish I had a deck...I wish I had remembered to watch the eclipse. The next poster will send pic of the eclipse.
No. Too cold outside. The next poster wonders if you can burn you retinas by looking directly into the lunar eclipse
No, you can't. The next poster missed the eclipse because of heavy cloud cover and is expecting rain.
Nope. Socks and slippers all day. The next poster is considering taking the day off from work tomorrow too.
i should after this week. but i need to get some stuff done before a big order comes in on monday. the next poster had a much needed rant over lunch with coworkers today.
No, I need to rant AT a few coworkers. :tape2: The next poster is fascinated by all the new smilies, but is uncomfortable with the 'flogging a dead horse' one.
Hmm, yeah, but I can think of a few threads where it would come in handy. The next poster found a few pretty, useful things at a second-hand shop today.
Yep, jewelry for my mom in a "memory care" unit. Everything gets shared so second hand is best. The next poster will do an extra 10 mintutes of cardio today just for the health of it.
No, but I've heard of a horse called Hoof-Hearted. :tongue1: The next poster doesn't know anyone famous.
Define famous. The next poster is taking another day off from work to catch up on work. (Let them find out exactly what it will be like when the eliminate my job.)
No, but I'm taking a day off of work next week to pick up a friend who's returning from a visit to Japan to see her sweetie (we'll have some catching up to do). (Godiva - sorry to hear about your work situation. That sucks... ) The next poster is finally getting the hang of cooking with cast-iron.
No... not really. I have two of my mom's cast iron skillets that she had for years, but I don't really use them. The next poster has a two and a three hole punch and knows how to use them.
Half-yes: I have a three-hole punch, that has seen MUCH use! The next poster occasionally does foolish things, but is getting better at recovery.