No... don't consider So Cal as Peace Corps country. The next poster did just have to reboot a server to ensure BlackBerry email to the boss.
No, but I'm thinking about going into IT work... The next poster got the taxes done and filed today (and that Prius tax credit got us money back, instead of money owed!! woo hoooooo!)
Not filed but I'm pretty much done with my taxes. CA will be taking a big chunk out of the refund from Federal. The next poster is so ready for something with lots of chocolate right now.
nope. nothing but water for the rest of the night. the next poster is developing a new descriptive mini-project for their research.
Why, yes. The next poster is thinking about the Bee Gees, of all things, and the song, 'How Deep Is Your Love'.
No, I think I purged the Bee Gees from my memory decades ago. The next poster's listening to Moby (only one decade old) on their headphones.
Nope. The next poster is enjoying their evening watching the dog show and guessing at their own dogs mixed heritage. (I'd sure like to blow $100 on a DNA test.) (And I finally found my harddrive cable 10 min. ago.)
But only for a minute. You'll always be the previous poster. The next poster has a well-developed sense of humour. (And doesn't like this American-centric spell checker that always underlines humour in red. And Prius, for some strange reason.)
Well, some seem to have been bamboozled into so believing. The next poster is multi-lingual, speaking at least Americun, Canajian, and a well English goodly. (And can spell in all three, as well, regardless of spell-chequers...)
Yes. I can speak Americun, Canajian, well English goodly and Sinhala. The next poster knows in which country they speak Sinhala.
Nope! I only speak English, VB, C+, a dash of Perl, and a smattering of Spanish. The next poster feels Spring in the air...
I have no idea and don't even care enough to look it up. The next poster is looking forward to the second half of the dog show tonight to find out who the Best in Show overall winner is. (Man, there were some very attractive dogs last night. But Vivi the whippet is still missing after two years.)
Yes; I hope the Beagle wins. The next poster is about to have his vehicle reposed, because he is broke because of surgery.
A good day for a winning beagle -- Today is the birthday of Charles Darwin .... whose round-the-world trip on the H.M.S. Beagle led to his proposals on evolution. The next post is wearing a beagle costume & barks like Scooby Doo.
Hmm, I'll start by saying T. J.... Oh no!! I'm so sorry to hear that! The next poster watched a possible job vanish into thin air...