No, not unless I count the DVD I borrowed from my niece (Flicka, starring Tim McGraw). The next poster is laughing at their two pets (Jasper, my MaineCoon kitty and little Sushi, the dwarf bunny playing together in my office.)
Awww, how cute! No, Hoover the dawg and Foo Foo, the Maine Coon who owns us are sleeping. The next poster is making many lists.
Nope... don't have one and probably would hurt myself trying to use it. The next poster has lots of empty boxes and packing tape to offer rufaro for her move.
nope, she's moving before we are. but this poster wishes her all the best. the next poster is wondering what to do tonight.
Nope, I still have plenty of decluttering and cleaning and organizing to keep me busy unfortunately. The next poster saw the U23D movie this past weekend and loved it.
Nope I havent had times for movies lately! Which is sad, because I love them!! There's only like 5 coming out on the 14th I want to see! The next poster needs to take stuff to goodwill!!
Oh boy, do we ever! The next poster has a weather gadget on their Google homepage...of a foreign country.
NO. THe next poster wonders if tornados will hit again tonight. (My prayers go out to the people of Jackson TN hope all the kids are safe, guess we won't know til tomorrow how much damage there has been,)
I will now! I didn't even know the tornados had hit. I'm sorry to hear that. The next poster needs more time.
No. The next poster is smart enough to allocate his/her time effectively and waste it answering this post.
In a way, yes. The next poster is amazed at how fast the temperature (outside), moves up and down now.
Yesterday the temperature changed 7 degrees celsius in about 3 hours. The next poster wants to say happy birthday to this thread, started a year ago today.
Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear The Next Poster thread, happy birthday to you! The next poster shouldn't sing in public.
i'm told my singing is nice but i don't sing in front of others the next poster still needs to wake up and get productive.
Well, yes, but doesn't being on the west coast give me about three hours leeway? The next poster has never danced naked on a tropical beach.