can't argue with that. Yes. The next poster is ready to seriously slug out on a beach in Costa Rica. (It's about 10 degrees here at 10 pm)
Yes. The next poster thinks a lot of problems in the world can be solved if everyone was courteous, polite and considerate.
Absolutely. but unfortunately half the people in the world are too self -centered to care one iota about what consequences their actions have on everybody else. The next poster is saying good bye to one of their favorite coworkers tomorrow. (Here's to your new job Hilary)
nope, nobody here is leaving till may. the next poster just scored free delivery on a get-well bouquet of flowers. [and thinks it's a good thing, since WOW flowers aren't cheap!]
No, but cool beans! The next poster thinks frost is very pretty, as long as you don't have to go out in it.
Nope. I actually like the stuff... The next poster is currently living in a motel, looking for an affordable rental place where the owner understands that a 7lb dog is LESS potentially damaging/annoying than a cat in a rental unit...
No... but I understand your situation rufaro. The next poster has been packing boxes. (No Hyo... lunch wasn't on me. At least I don't think I spilled it all over myself. )
No, but I am about to pack one to send a sample out to one of my clients. The next poster is eating Lunch.
Nope, not yet. But I will be in a little while. The next poster scored a free sewing table this past week.
No, we have an antique one already. The next poster didn't get the job they've been so hopeful about.
Nope, no cleaning and it's still JanuFeb, so it's not really spring yet. The next poster has their work cut out for them this weekend.
no, thats next weekend!! The next poster got to meet McDreamy & found out that he really is a sweet guy but he's a SHORT one!!
No... but cool that you did Holly. Aren't they all shorter in person than they seem on screen? The next poster saw such a horrible accident this morning that it makes them very grateful to be sitting at work right now. (Hyo... what is your employer thinking? Can't they see that you are the BEST person for the job?)
Not today, but some things seem branded on the psyche... I'm sorry. The next poster has a day full of things to do, and no motivation to do them.
Oh, yes. I have a days' worth, a week's worth, a month's worth and no motivation to do any of it. But I will anyway. The next poster spent way too much time in their bathrobe today.