Nope. If I die it's my survivor's problem. Then can sell everything and divide what's left over, if anything. (They'll all fight over the Prius. My parent's get the dog.) The next poster is about to embark on experiments in laundering.
No. The next poster thinks all professors should learn PR before they try to manage a research group.
LOL michgal!! i know THAT feeling... a phd certainly does not automatically make you a good manager... [said the girl who used to manage a very diverse group of people at a retail store and now works for someone who does NOT handle conflict management well.] the next poster does not want this kind of drama, but here it is anyway.
Yes, don't want it. No, don't have it. The next poster has been spammed by Jeanette, the Evangelical Buddhist.
The next poster just keeps smiling. Let the rest of them work out their own problems. Won't let them push them off onto her. Keep on smiling.
Yes, except when I've been spammed by Jeanette, the Evangelical Buddhist. <delete><delete><delete> The next poster needs to write up documentation from today's experiments.
no, i caught up on friday. and mom in law's in town this weekend. the next poster was pleasantly surprised to be reminded to take a day off work tomorrow. wow.
No reminder necessary. With the extra day off, the next poster is going to take the opportunity to visit their friendly neighborhood nursery and plant a vegetable garden.
Oh, that sounds like fun. But isn't it kind of early? Are you starting it indoors, from seed? The next poster is constantly amazed and ever-surprised by the words of wisdom spoken by her 2 year old gr. nephew. (Yes, Timmy it's been a good day.)
i'm IN bed but i can't sleep. too much going on in the brain. blah. the next poster did all kinds of extra cleaning this weekend.
Nope, I always run a clean ship, just the usual pick-up. The next poster is thanking MLK and will take advantage of Monday's hidden powder stashes.
Ahh, wouldn't that be nice. Nope, no holiday here today. The next poster did some gardening in frigid temperatures yesterday.
Not frigid but I did start gardening before the rain started. And hope to finish after it stops and before it's dark. The next poster fought with the phone company today.
No fighting, but am taking advantage of ever holiday the government will give. The next poster washed their Prius even though it's cold out on their government given holiday.
Nope, mines still filthy!! It's lucky if it gets washed once a month The next poster is SO happy last week is over!
Well, I would be if I were only sick last week... but, I am starting to feel a little better! The next poster has a homemade "artisan" pizza in the oven... ("artisan" is what you call a pizza that isn't any geometrical shape, but sorta looks like it was flung haphazardly onto a pan.)
No. The next poster is just chillin, rollin rollin rollin, laid back, with their mind on their money and their money on their mind, yo.