No; skiing is for those who like to fall down. The next poster likes greasy fried chicken, but it does not like him/her.
Nope, although I did go to Lunardi's. The next poster played Fluxx for the very first time last night.
No, don't know what Fluxx is, but I played Bridge this week and "FreeRice" just a minute ago. The next poster had breakfast for dinner tonight.
If you consider Pizza a breakfast food, then yes. If you're not a software Engineer, then no. The next poster enjoyed the sunny weekend by doing some mountain biking.
Nope. This poster picked up the second Prius in the family and enjoyed checking out pkg 3., thought about working on a quilt for Mom's birthday but realized it just wasn't going to get done in 24 hours so why start, and instead of grading papers, took a long nap while hubby watched Green Bay. The next poster is dealing with issues related to aging parents.
No. The next poster has to battle depression every now and then, due to a missing appendage. It's not real bad, but it bugs them.
I feel better some times than others, but I can still count to twenty on my fingers and toes. The next poster needs more coffee.
Yes, that would feel good right now. The next poster solved a major hardware bug on a new board design this weekend and is doing a little victory dance (and sleeping well tonight).
No but may I extend a hearty "whoo-hoo!" in your direction Sparky! In a previous life my company built custom hardware and I remember the frustration bugs caused for the hardware engineers and the subsequent joy a bug slaying would bring. The next poster has started preparing their tax returns.
Nope. I have people for that. The next poster just saw for the first time in over five years, a former friend of his on MySpace, and he has AGED, and not in a good way.
Nope. I've never been to My Space, Face Book, or Face Space, etc. I suppose I should try but I bet my kids have me blocked. The next poster's dirty little secret is that he/she sometimes buys new socks instead of doing laundry.
Yeah, something like that. BTW, I am going sock shopping today. The next poster saw an old friend on facebook (after ~ 10 years) and cannot believe how much she has changed, physically, and not for the good (she used to be one of the prettiest girls in school).
No, but I did run into my ex at a wedding, and he looked AWFUL. The next poster is watching dawn slowly light up the world.
Yes I do. I keep waiting for the cow to appear... The next poster has a stash of snacks at work. (Holly - I have Summer at Tiffany's too and just haven't started it yet.)
Well since Work is home, Yes I have an entire FRidge & Pantry full!! mmm Peppermint Bark The next poster is so happy to have the day off! Janis - my sister-in-law said it's really good & funny. I just haven't had the time to start it yet!! I have too many books to read & not enough time to do it!
happy to have the day off, but not happy because i had to get sick to do it. the next poster has become a math tutor.