Not really, but sort of. The next poster is typing from bed, on their Apple White Book, with one hand, because the other hand is supporting their head, and is tired of being in bed.
Oh... lucky you Bonnie! Who knew angels frequented Wal-mart. I once had a child bark at me there, but that's a story for another time... Nope... not in bed yet. The next poster can't believe that they're actually ready to go back to work tomorrow.
Nope, not tired of being in bed. Quite the opposite, actually. The next poster wrapped all their gifts using only a tiny amount of paper for the tags.
two crosspostings! that may be a record! i've been going to work since monday, if i didn't i would have gone elsewhere. aka crazy no gifts to wrap this year, sadly. so it goes though! the next poster's cat is giving them the "feed me NOW" stare.
No cats here, but I get that look from my kids somedays. The next poster doesn't mind so much all the krosspostings and konfusion.
That sounds like a good idea, but won't I be cold without the insulation? The next poster hasn't worked all year, and still doesn't feel like it.
I wish. I was supposed to do all that stuff during vacation but what with the sick and all... The next poster is helping the cough drop manufacturers get off to a great start this year...
No... thank goodness. Hope you feel better moxie. The next poster is very busy at work for a 'non' work day.
Yes, it's starting to get busy again at the hospital after the holiday lull. The next poster got their pet Santa Claus presents (mine got a stocking full of catnip toys).
I would have, but I'm 'between pets' at the moment. The next poster's not sure if they can wait for the bedding to come out of the laundry before falling asleep.
Never had that feeling. How about the couch? The next poster's cat doesn't understand that the pillows are for the owners, especially when you are sleeping on it! The next poster also thinks that the cat cannot assume that the owner will be ok to wake up in the night and realize that it is occupying 80% of the pillow.
No cat, but I believe everything you said. The next poster's dog doesn't understand that the bed is for the owners, especially when you are sleeping on it! The next poster also thinks that the dog cannot assume that the owner will be ok to wake up in the night and realize that the it is occupying 80% of the bed.
no hospital room, but i'm only a short walk from hospital north. the next poster is a little frustrated.
Yes - probably for different reasons, but still a bit frustrated. The next poster has the feeling they're about to get caught up in an age-old political struggle at work.
No, but I hope PC is helping you a bit TJ. The next poster is going to California in early February for a conference.