No swollen feet here, but I do hate going to the doctor. I can't say that I hate doctors because I work with many nice docs and they might take it personally. The next poster cleaned out closets today, trying to get organized for the new year AND make space for the new clothes.
Um, not really. I hung up clothes and put them back in the closet, trying to get organized for the new year. Eventually I'll be clearing out, but I have to see what I've got first. Same with the other rooms in the house. The next poster has to return some things to the stores.
Yup, but isn't gonna. The next poster is going to be (GASP!) away from his/her computer for the next month...
No. <Gasp>. The next poster cannot come to lab/work tomorrow because buses don't run and there is a snowstorm tonight and hence don't want to drive.
Yep. NO way I'm going to work on New Year's Day whether buses are running or not. And there's no snow anyway. The next poster is spending a quiet New Year's Eve with family.
Not with family no, but I'm hoping my New Year's Eve is a quiet one. The next poster is not looking forward to packing up the ornaments and hauling away the Christmas tree.
Don't have much of that to do actually. This year was one of downsized decorating. The next poster is planning on ordering pizza later and staying in.
No and yes. We're eating special treats at home. (Someone who shall remain nameless was thinking of a Bourne marathon.) The next poster trimmed 10 bushes in the afternoon sun today, listening to happy little birdies.
Sun? Bushes? What are those? The next poster is waiting for the 5-8 inches of snow tonight and the 2-4 inches of snow tomorrow morning.
Yikes, no thank goodness. But we are supposed to have the coldest night in a while tomorrow and Wednesday--in the teens. Next poster is listening to fireworks over the lake. Too tired to get up and look (yawn).
No fireworks here...yet. Still another 2 hours or so till midnight though. The next poster is glad they don't have to work on New Year's Day...and hopefully it will be a day of rest and leisure.
Yes. The next poster is glad to have both feet, and not be in serious (as in the end of this week serious), about to lose his right foot because of a infection. And wants to wish the previous good luck that the antibiotics work and the only thing to go is the pinkie infected toe, or really hopes it all just gets 100% better.
i hope the antibiotics, work, TJ! i'm rooting for the antibiotics. the next poster is working, alone, on new year's day. but kinda needs the time alone anyway to think.
Well... I am working around the house, but I'm not alone. Hey... I AM the only one working here though... The next poster will eat black eyed peas today for good fortune for the new year. (Pulling for those antibiotics too TJ!)
Yes, good wishes for TJ, but no black eyed peas. The next poster's going to need an afternoon nap today.
I always need an afternoon nap. I just don't always get one. The next poster is about to head out to the parents' for New Year's Day and an impending fight with their Mother over a cell phone. (she wants me to have one, I don't want it.)
Actually just the opposite-my mom came over to watch the baby since Hubby has to work today and I've been stricken with the (hopefully 24 hour) flu. Bleh. The next poster is in better health than I today.
Aww, I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I do have healing incense going and a large bank of candles for all healing requests (T.J. is high on that list today). The next poster took a lovely walk today in the chill wind, and feels wonderful.
Yes, if 59 degrees counts as chilly. It was cool and windy out tonight. The next poster is listening to the Neujahrskonzert from Vienna.
No, but I'll be it sounds lovely. So did the sound of silence at work today. The next poster has been helped by a good Samaritan this week. (Thank you nice lady at Walmart whose name I do no who watched over my lost handbag until I retraced my footsteps and found it untouched. Thank you again!!)