I do not know. I'm still popping out the dents in the pots and pans from last year. The next poster remembers Myers and Briggs well, and is a strong INTP.
Nope: [SIZE=+1]Your Type is [SIZE=+2] ENFP [/SIZE][/SIZE]Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving [SIZE=-0]Strength of the preferences %[/SIZE] 78 50 38 28 I'm really, REALLY extraverted... The next poster would like to take the same test: Jung - Myers-Briggs Typology test
Your Type is ISTJ Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging Strength of the preferences % 33 12 75 56 Funny how my score has changed over the decades. The next poster is looking forward to a quiet day at home tomorrow. Unless they decide to go to work and clear up a few things.
I am at work and clearing up more than a few things. The next poster had a proud moment this morning. (Took the test too: ESFJ Extraverted 11% Sensing 12% Feeling 75% Judging 22%)
not particularly. today was pretty average. [i decided to try the test: Your Type is ISTJ Introverted 78 Sensing 1 Thinking 62 Judging 78 i've always bounced between istj and intj.] the next poster opened a new checking account today after being screwed over by wachovia for the last time.
Nope. When my credit union offered a checking account I moved everything over and gave up the regular bank. They even offer a fixed rate Visa card now and the lowest rate loans. I have my car through them. The next poster is trying their hand at an old family recipe out of nostalgia. (And hoping it resembles memory somewhat.)
Not yet, but I do want to try and duplicate my mom's vegetable soup recipe. The next poster will be going to the Dancing with the Stars tour show tonight not because they really want to see the show, but because they are taking someone who REALLY wants to see it.
No, I'll be staying home watching DVDs and hoping this damn cold (lovely Christmas gift) goes away soon. The next poster thinks colds and flus should be banned over the winter holiday season.
No swollen foot here. Sorry to hear it's getting worse for you. Tender gums above a crown after taking penicillen for a week indicate a root canal will occurr in my near future. "The next poster takes their fun entirely too seriously." No. That would be my husband's family that plays cards for blood during the holidays. My family's tradition is to play Christmas carols together by using clicking pens as our instruments. We're never out of tune! The next poster prefers sledding over snowboarding.
Yes, given those 2 choices. But I really prefer no show at all! The next poster discovered a new bakery today. Julia's Homestyle Bakery. YUMMM! You should have seen the muffins.
Nope. TV's off right now. The next poster met with fellow PC'ers for dinner yesterday and had fun talking about all things Prii.
Nope... but it does sound fun. Y'all need to come on out to CA and we'll do dinner. The next poster feels the need to clean out the old to get ready for the new for 2008.
There's so much to clean I'm not sure where to start. The next poster thinks they should add 'get more sleep' to their list of New Year's resolutions.
Yes. For us both. The next posters foot is still swollen, two days later, and hates the doctors, but knows they should go...