Yes. The next poster is wearing shorts despite it being 51° outside. Hey the words are over on the right...Look there ^^^^^^^
Nope, not in shorts. All bundled up including a hand-knitted scarf I got last Christmas. The next poster is curious as to why TJ is now right-aligned. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
No I am not; but here is why: It's because I am libreal leaning preacher, who figures if he posts to the right, maybe it will balance me out. The next poster thinks that is just bunk, and he is doing it because he likes to be different.
Have the courage to be yourself, whether you know who that is, or are still on the road to find out. The next poster's not having turkey for a bedtime snack. Probably not having one at all, actually.
no turkey. i did have some cheerios... a little later than i should have. the next poster feels weird having just taken 3 days off work, with another 4 to go.
Nope. Don't feel weird at all. The next poster needs to be talked out of going in to work for a few hours during their days off just to have a little peace and quiet to get some work done.
No. The next poster, though, has some sort of infection on his/her pinkie toe, and is really causing them to have the fever from this.
No. Sorry to hear about it TJ. The next poster is doing laundry and working from home (working = PC and goofing off).
Hmm... laundry. I should be doing laundry, not JUST goofing off. The next poster is glad the holiday is over.
Nope. It ain't over. There's still New Year's. (plus don't have to go back to work until 12th night.) The next poster is going to check out the sale items at Petco with their furry significant other.
No, I think we're staying home today. And that's all I'm going to say about that. The next poster is tired of work and wonders if they might take the rest of the year off.
acutally, i am taking the rest of the year off... i assure you i'll be going stir crazy by tonight unless i come up with more home projects to do. the next poster feels full of hope for good things to come in 2008.
Yes I do. The closer it gets, the more optimistic I am. The next poster got a wonderful letter today from their first love who they haven't heard anything from in about 30 years.
Nope. The next poster has now had fever dreams for about 12 hours, and is sitting up, his/her body violently shaking, as he/she drinks the hot cocoa before crawling back under the mountain of covers on their bed.
No... but is it wise to be drinking hot cocoa if you have a fever? Try Gatorade. Or something cool. Hope you feel better soon. The next poster is supposed to be an "INFP" according to their Myers Briggs personality test.
Uh, that sounds familiar. I really don't remember what I am... it starts with "Extrovert", though... The next poster is wondering if he/she should actually throw a New Year's party, rather than find one to attend?