Yes, but not at work. The next poster's post total will never match their member number, especially now that there aren't any.
No, I wasn't planning on being present at work today. The next poster's taking a friend shopping for a new Prius this afternoon.
no, but that sounds like fun. i have only one thing to do at work today, and since i'm so used to multitasking i'm kinda confused... the next poster is taking a 5 day weekend and will probably be antsy to go back to work by day 4.
I am also having a 5 day weekend and I hope I won't be antsy to get back too soon. The next poster regifts.
Yep! Why waste a perfectly good gift just because you don't have a need/want for it? The next poster is itching to take a good long walk this weekend.
Yes, we'll be walking (and singing) in the form of Christmas caroling this Sunday. Next poster is trying to make up for eating sweets and holiday food all day by having water and plain baked potato for dinner.
Nope, I stuffed myself on a huge meal of roast and mashed potatoes. And that was after multiple cookie encounters today. The next poster has to work on Monday but doesn't think the day is going to be very productive.
Um, no, but I've been indulging in "Battlestar Galactica" episodes for the past week... The next poster is thinking that a plain baked potato sounds really good...
Oh yes... I've never met a potato I DIDN'T like! The next poster thinks it's pretty darn hard to type when a cat keeps walking over the keyboard. (sparkyAZ... "multiple cookie encounters" HEE! May I borrow that?)
Yeah, and they can't spell very well, either. The next poster should probably finish their shopping one of these days.
lol, not quite! i'm at work. though i am here by myself today and i went the sweatshirt and jeans route rather than the usual professional getup. the next poster had a coworker unexpectedly pop in for a moment while they were singing loudly...
No, but mine sometimes catches me talking to myself. The next poster's holidays are not exactly going as planned but are still turning out very enjoyable.
So far mine are turning out just as expected. The next poster is tired of driving (even in their fabulous Prius) hither and yon.
e Yeah, it's thither's turn to drive them. The next poster wants a snoring treatment for their spouse that doesn't involve pillows.
Uh, no, I'm the one that "purrs" at night, and I've managed to reduce that to a very low level, using a Yoga technique The next poster is busy inventing yet another delectable holiday dish for tomorrow's get-together with family.
Nope, I cooked Thanksgiving. The nieces volunteered to cook for Christmas. The next poster may have finished their Christmas shopping today.