nope, no brothers to speak of, unless you mean the brother in law, in which case i'd say i was at my sister's the next poster made three batches of two different types of cookie dough tonight.
No. I cannot bake to save my life. The next poster is sickly excited about the 10-15 inches of snow they are about to get tonight/tomorrow.
Wish it were, wish it might, snow in California tonight. The next poster's perfectly content with snow on the mountains and not on the beaches.
Yes. Snow is a great thing to visit. I'll take the ocean to live next to though. The next poster switched the language on their Prius' MFD to French last night. Just because.
do not know. You listen to the Eagles and watch them? The next poster blitzed their shopping yesterday and today and is mostly done.
No. More shopping this weekend. The next poster's Prius looked like this in the morning, and that's after some snow has melted away.
I will be buying some gift cards to put in my daughter's stockings. The next poster wants to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what they want for Christmas.
uh, no. But hold that thought, there's a Santa hat around here somewhere. The next poster's going to decorate their tree tonight, if their kids haven't already done it by the time they get home.
Nope, don't like Christmas trees...or lights for that matter. The next poster thinks TJ is like Scrooge.
lol, well i'm full of something alright. and no, i'm not feeling the spirit of anything today. the next poster needs an after-lunch nap.
Yes and today would be the perfect day for it. We're having a nice rainstorm right now. The next poster has been overindulging in chocolaty goodies lately.