You could be right. The place does seem kind of eerily deserted. The next poster likes it when people bring boxes of chocolates for the office.
i would be very excited if that were to happen! it hasn't yet the next poster played with some insanely expensive, really cool equipment today.
No, but hope yours is feeling better. The next poster wonders where all of the other posters went. (No one posted to this thread in two days? That's a record I think)
uhhh...whatever you say, B. psst....the next poster thinks maybe it's AuntBee who's in the Twilight Zone.
No, but tomorrow, the extra cat we've had for two weeks is going back to its previous owner... our spoiled, pampered puss just doesn't like him. The next poster is procrastinating on laundry..
No... don't currently have much to do actually. The next poster is going to be the hostess with the mostess tonight.
Nope, out to watch the girls dance tonight. (Oh, that doesn't sound good. I mean my daughter's highland dance show.) The next poster's never going to catch eclectcmoi.
That's rare, and didn't happen. The next poster is finally going through and resubscribing to all the threads wot s/he got unsubscribed to via the recent site upgrade.
Um, I've never subscribed to threads. Is it a good thing? The next poster is reading a fascinating book, and really doesn't know why he/she is online.
Nope. The next poster wishes people would send money to charity instead of the power companies (when they hang a gazillion lights all over their homes to demonstrate how important Christmas is). After all, the three wise guys found Jesus with just ONE light, didn't they?
Um, sure, that's why I haven't decorated at all... energy conservation! works for me. The next poster has just baked chewy oatmeal raisin cookies, to go with the raspberry chocolate cookies, the Russian tea cakes, and the Lemon bars (all Vegan! yeah!!), for a holiday party tonight.
no, but i suppose it's about time i got to making some sugar cookies... the next poster is preparing someone's web-browsing and music-playing computer setup for college use. (3 weeks left!)