Yep... doing it for you galaxee and for Holly's birthday. The next poster really wishes there was at least another month before Christmas.
Yah, the holidays always sneak up on me. Last year it was so bad I didn't even get a Christmas tree. The next poster is enjoying some late afternoon hot tea right now - caffeine be damned!
Nope, our company's party (well, the MP office at any rate) is next Thursday. The next poster loves real Christmas trees and could never go with a plastic one no matter how practical they are.
Yes, and no. I love real Christmas trees but haven't had one in years. No time to shop, they're very expensive and even though they're recycled are still wasteful. I don't like the plastic trees either, although they are looking better each year. They're plastic and also wasteful. I have a wrought iron tree that I put together. It really shows off the ornaments easily. No lights either. The next poster is going to an work christmas party held at a coworker's house on the weekend even though they don't want to waste their weekend going to said party but they're going anyway because they don't want to hurt their coworker's feelings.
Nope. No christmas parties this weekend. The next poster is excited about the "secret santa" gift he/she is getting a colleague in the lab.
Nope... but can we come visit you at your pub and wish you Happy Birthday TJ? The next poster has to decorate the office for the holidays and really doesn't want to do it.
No my job, mon. The kids have already decorated the house. The next poster wonders why nobody wants to play 'black or white' anymore.
Oh it's one of the game threads here in FHOP: Everyone feel free to join in! Don't be shy. Go ahead......c'mon we need to keep the poor thread alive... The next poster heard from someone in Rome today.
Oddly enough, yes. My cousin. Yes. All who drive Prius get a free round at the Harp & Bolt. The next poster whilst happy it's his birthday, is sad that it's also the day, 27 years ago, that John Lennon was shot dead. And all he was saying, was give peace a chance.
Nope, not my birthday, but I still miss John Lennon. 27 years? Wow! The next poster owns more than one dog.
I used to. Now have only one and I haven't seen her in 2.5 years. The next poster dreamt about his/her future wedding last night.
Nope. Haven't registered a car since April, 2005 and hopefully won't be registering one until it's a plug-in or an EV. So that will be a few years yet. The next poster has no time to themselves this weekend because of commitments to others. (Zoo, staff party, Wild Animal Park)