I'm feeling okay today. Sorry to hear you're not though galaxee. The next poster is trying to figure out the best way for their office to 'give back' during the holidays.
Nope. The next poster now has heat from a repaired furnace but can't communicate due to the phones being out. More home repairs in sight.
No and yes. Heat and phones are working fine, but home repairs seem endless. The next poster is heading out to shovel snow. And maybe make a hood ornament for the snowbound car.
No, I'm as healthy as a horse. The next poster donated all morning to a local group fundraiser, and is now trying to warm back up (it was darned cold sitting at the rest area, handing out coffee!!)
No, but I donated to CWF yesterday and to at least one Salvation Army Bellringer earlier in the week (does that count?). The next poster is happy to see PriusChat back in business again.
As if the answer to that could be anything other than "YES!" The next poster is going to have seaweed salad and fishcakes for lunch tomorrow.
Nope. I expect I'll be eating cup of noodles as that's all I have at school and I don't have the time or energy to make anything else. I think there's some bread frozen in the freezer and I have a jar of peanut butter and jelly at school. The next poster is running as fast as they can and still can't catch up.
Yes! The next poster is feeling blue and blah in the horrible snowy, rainy, gloomy, frosty, slushy weather.
No... expecting low 70's here today and temps into the 80's here tomorrow. I'll send some CA sunshine your way Michgal to perk you up! The next poster was not ready for today to be Monday.
Yes I was ready for a "case of the Mondays." I was even looking forward to it after the long weekend I had. I'm not so sure anymore though. The next poster was thinking about giving only charitable contributions in other people's name as Christmas gifts this year.
unfortunately, i don't know if we'll be giving anything this year. we can't even afford to go home to see our family the next poster is trying really hard not to crumble under all this pressure and barely but only sorta succeeding.
Failing miserably actually. Had a good cry when the phone company hung up on me after I asked what number to call to find out when they're coming to fix my phone. The next poster is sure they're working on a boffo ulcer, totally work related.
Not any more, now I imagine "them" commiting Sepiku and all is well. The next poster has learned to adapt to the change that surrounds them.
Yes, I think so. Does it count if I'm trying to make the changes happen? The next poster shared their breakfast the other day with a not-quite-two-year-old (no, no, no, not mine) who crawled right into their lap.
Every Sunday I get to share food with a 2 year old AND a one year old. FUN! The next poster suddenly had a light bulb go off over their head and now knows what to get the 1 year old for Christmas! (A rocking horse
No, but I got myself a rocking recliner... The next poster just noticed my face is no longer obscured by a camera on my avatar.
I noticed that yesterday. The next poster is averaging 35 mpg in the current tank due to cold weather and short trips and wonder how people boast that 35 mpg is "great" mileage.
i'm at the usual 42. gotta love this crappy commute. the next poster is highly irritated at their co-worker for coming into work sick last week and sharing the germs.