i shouldn't have been up as late as i was last night. my sleep cycle's totally whacked. the next poster is watching the genius neighbor who couldn't navigate a honda civic into their parking spot, try to navigate a new nissan pathfinder out of said spot.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Michgal007 @ Nov 25 2007, 11:28 AM) [snapback]543943[/snapback]</div> Quite possibly. Depends on if I get the time today as it is on my list. The next poster is freezing their a$$ off and has decided to crawl under the house and replace the gas line to the furnace themselves rather than wait for the plumber to come back next week.
Wow... no, but you're my idol for doing that yourself Godiva. And congrats on the Masters Degree as well. Way to go! The next poster is getting together with a childhood friend today. (sparkyAZ, I'm not really sure what my avatar says. All I know is it's an old advertising poster for French brandy. Anyone French want to help with the translation?)
nope. today's a crash at home while DH studies kinda day. the next poster is going to have to root for the visitor in tuesday's basketball game.
No, I pretty much save all my rooting for one sport and one team. With all respect due Godiva, the next poster doesn't think it gets cold in San Diego.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ Nov 25 2007, 02:00 PM) [snapback]543984[/snapback]</div> No, I *do* think it gets cold in San Diego. I has snowed here. It can get below freezing at night. And it can be cold during the day. Two winters ago we had a run of really cold days into the low 50s and into the 40s. Now I know for some of you that doesn't seem cold. But it is colder than many perceive San Diego to be. The next poster is angry they spent several hours driving from store to store looking for replacement parts despite the fact they called in advance and were assured, promised, and sworn that the replacement parts were in stock. (Liars!) (Furnace still not working. But I did pick up pipe insulation for grill blocking.)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Nov 26 2007, 01:23 PM) [snapback]544025[/snapback]</div> I hate it when that happens! Given that all the stuff on the farm is soooo old, replacement parts are out of the question. Now, my wife won't go pick up parts for our projects any more 'cause she invariably brings home an alternative to what the person on the phone said they had (and one that I can't jury-rig into working order). The next poster got sun-burnt driving the tractor on the weekend, and then capped it off with another blast of solar radiation moving the sheep during my lunch break today.
Nope, no sunburn even though I was outside for half the day. It's 'wintertime' in this hemisphere, after all! (* 'wintertime' = when we don't have to use SPF10000000+ sunscreen) B) The next poster is scrolling through menus on their XtremeMac Luna.
No. Alas I have gone to the darkside, I'm on an XP machine on the road. After 20+ years of loyalty to the Apple world, generations of incompatable Mac upgrades, and software advances on the PC platform have driven me to Vaders machine. My Mac museum is for sale to any takers. They still build the best hardware, once it stabilizes I may go back. The next poster is overtired from a long road trip today.
Nope. Took the long road trip yesterday. Stayed at home most of today. Next poster made a beautiful, tasty, turkey/ham and vegetable pot pie today from sundry T'giving leftovers.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(AuntBee @ Nov 26 2007, 12:57 AM) [snapback]544149[/snapback]</div> Nope. Had leftovers yesterday. Took a break. Will be having leftovers tomorrow. The next poster just found out that during the electrical upgrade the wall heater in the bathroom was disconnected and now they have NO HEAT!
Oh... no. That doesn't sound good. The next poster watched a French film with subtitles this weekend.
nope, no foreign movies this weekend. the next poster gets to spend another day in the hospital waiting room tomorrow. (DH has a radiofrequency nerve ablation, cross your fingers that it works!)
uhh, no...but good luck. (It's gonna be awfully dificult to type with my fingers crossed. How about if I cross my toes? ) The next poster is still pinching their self after yesterday's Grey Cup. Yay Riders!
No - but good for those Riders! The next poster didn't know what a "Grey Cup" was until they looked it up on Google 5 min ago.