Nope. I live in "the buckle of the Bible belt." The next poster misses watching the "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" cartoon that they watched as a kid. (T.J. get some sleep. Sleep deprivation is not good for you--or anyone around you, or anyone you're driving behind)
i do! i always liked charlie brown. the next poster is going to have some bad nightmares tonight, they just know it.
Nope, but I want to. The next poster is a guy/woman, but you can't tell by their on screen name. (and Aunt Bee, I have yet to sleep. I do lie down, rest, close my eyes, but sleep? Not so much...too much pain...But you know what? It could be worse. I could have no bed to lie in.)
I think I qualify for that - I'm not sure if "Moxiequz" implies one gender or the other. The next poster has a doctor's appointment today and is a bit nervous since they were bad and skipped their yearly checkup last year.
no. after finding a suspicious tumor last year at the doctor that i would never have noticed myself, i decided imposing an afternoon at the doc's office upon myself once a year is worthwhile. the next poster just has this strange feeling that something isn't right, but can't put their finger on what's going on.
No, but I understand the feeling. The next poster has 8 actual work hours left at this job, and then he/she is on sabbatical!
No sabbatical for me. Hope you have a good one though Rae Vynn. The next poster got major kudos today at work.
No, no kudos for me, but I'm glad you did, Janis. (I did have a marvelous time at the yearly quality fair. Got lots of nice freebies--oh, how I love free stuff I can use-- and won a nice tote bag and gift certificte to Ocharleys) The next poster bought some trick-or-treat candy (caramel Reeses) just to be on the safe side. We don't get many kids, but don't want to get caught empty handed should some show up. (T.J. sorry you are hurting. Hope you feel better soon.)
This poster's spouse has bought Halloween candy twice already, and there might be enough left to hand out tomorrow night. The next poster's listening to some funky old reggae.
Nope, the John Tesh radio show. Hopefully the next poster is, at least a little, concerned about the reported 87% methane spike in our atmosphere recently reported HERE.
Yes I did. The last few earthquakes I've felt have been those barely-detectable "slow-roller" ones that feel like you're riding a wave in the ocean. This was a good ol' fashioned jolter. The next poster likes living in California, despite the frequent fires, floods, earthquakes and annual budget chaos.
Um, no. The next poster is at work. In her/his pajamas. In pigtails. And very few people (3?) dressed up today.
No pj's, no pigtails and no costume for me today. No one else here at work is dressed up either today. You sound so comfortable though Rae Vynn that I'm jealous! The next poster likes popcorn balls.
I've never eaten popcorn balls before, had to look it up. Sounds scrumptious. The next poster is going to give out huge amounts of candy to the young kids, and only ONE candy to the teenagers that are too old to pass, but still do.
not handing out candy this year... not many kids in our neighborhood. the next poster is unproductive today and that's ok with them.
no, Im being very productive today, afterall, I'm on here! he-he The next poster really needs to go to trader joes & buy more 2buck chuck