<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eclectcmoi @ Oct 23 2007, 02:15 PM) [snapback]529394[/snapback]</div> Absolutely. Looks like it will break tonight, getting 5 degrees cooler each day. (I did manage to figure out how to use the humidifier last night.) The next poster just got the rest of the week off.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Oct 23 2007, 02:17 PM) [snapback]529395[/snapback]</div> I wish. The next poster just finished an 11 hour work day and still has shopping to do before dinner.
No, but my work days FEEL like 11 hours. The next poster locked him/herself out of the house, AGAIN, and is wondering what the ol' subconscious is trying to tell him/her?
our furballs seem to have easily influenced dreams, but we've really gotta mess with em to disturb their sleep. the next poster spent a good portion of the night having an in-depth discussion.
Not unless I was talking in my sleep again. The next poster would like to share some of their much needed, much appreciated rain with the state of California.
Oh yes please, but not too much because that would cause mudslides with so much of the vegetation burned. The next poster will not be hungry for BBQ again for quite a while.
Nope - I've got a bit of a hankering for some Korean BBQ actually. The next poster is coming up on the 10,000 mile mark for his/her Prius! And may have a cupcake to celebrate.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Oct 24 2007, 07:44 PM) [snapback]529954[/snapback]</div> Not quite - Last week I did pick up a nail on the front passenger side that was too close to the sidewall to be repairable - only 17k on that tire :angry: I thought about rotating them (it's the thought that counts, right?) but I figured I'd wait till 20k. The next poster likes big hair bands from the 80's. I'm sorry to hear about your DH's injury, Galaxee! I have a cousin who was a heavy Diesel mechanic since age 19. He ended up with lower back problems in his late 30's and could no longer do heavy lifting. His company was very good to him - they paid for additional training to allow him to manage crews who do PM servicing of diesel generators. I hope your DH can get back into Hybrid servicing - maybe in a management or supervisory role. In the world of Hybrids, I would think that knowing details of how the system works is more important than being able to turn a wrench. Best of luck to him!
If I say Yes, people will make fun of me. **snicker** We just did the 10k oil change on Saturday... and talked about rotating the tires, but didn't have time at Costco last weekend The next poster just ate cereal for dinner. And should go to bed.
Big hair bands from the 80s? LIke the B-52s? No, not much. The next poster is trying to hold off running her heater until Nov. (Can't believe it was over 100 little more than a month ago and today it's a shivery 50 degrees.)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rae Vynn @ Oct 24 2007, 11:24 PM) [snapback]530070[/snapback]</div> That's a good idea. I haven't had dinner yet and cereal sounds good. Rice Krispies with a banana. And I happen to have both. But not going to bed yet because I don't have to get up early. Bwa ha ha. The next poster is staying up late and channel surfing.
Yes and No. I usually end up staying up way too late but I have no channels to surf. No cable or broadcast TV (just Netflix). The next poster doesn't have cable or broadcast TV either.
You are so right! No cable, no TV, for 7 years now. And, a Netflix subscription! The next poster is glad today is her "friday"... tomorrow is a day off! Yay
no, i have to be here on friday. the next poster had a nice, cheap, social lunch with their coworkers. DH has been turning a wrench in some form since he was 17... went pro, bought the tools, all that stuff, and at 29 we learned he has 2 ruptured lumbar discs. his former employer, unfortunately, wasn't nearly so good to him as your cousin's was... he nearly put himself in the hospital working so much while chasing a supervisory promotion for 4 months, then they dumped him on the street. thanks for the well wishes, we've always been fighters and we'll get through this like everything else.
I had a nice cheap lunch, but it wasn't with my co-workers. The next poster has a fish tank on their desk at work.
No, I got bored with that screen saver a long time ago. The next poster's listening to the loud cacophony of a jackhammer.
No, thankfully the SRI staff have seen fit to wrap up their construction for the time being. For awhile there we were dealing with that 8 hours a day. The next poster works on a corporate campus where little robotic rover-machines attacking miniature plastic Christmas trees can occaisionally be observed. (no joke!)
No... though I would LOVE to see that. The next poster really needs a massage for the "crick" in my neck.