Yes! Getting a different perspective is always a good thing. So is getting dark chocolate blueberries. Dang, now I want some, too. I'm going to sit here and snivel now. The next poster keeps finding that people just start talking to him/her about stuff that maybe they shouldn't... like there's a neon sign on their forehead that says, "Yes, I'll listen"...
No, the only project I'm involved with right now will hopefully be ongoing for a long time (compiling a family history). The next poster is trying to get to bed before the storms arrive.
No, sky's all clear over the Bay Area for now. The next poster wishes the landlord would fix the damn washer once and for all.
Well, I am my landlord and I did just replace my dishwasher all because of blueberries. Yes. a recent foray to a local blueberry farm yielded 15 lbs. of the delicious little guys requiring a larger fridge. Said fridge was too big for the cabinets to nest within, so a ground-up kitchen remodel was the ticket. Very expensive blueberries, but they now reside within a beautiful kitchen. The next poster is traveling this week. (sorry to hear of your ailment TJ, I'm pulling for you)
in fact i do. switching gears, getting ready for a big new project to get underway. the next poster started the day with something very unpleasant.
Sort of. Got up when it was dark, gloomy and rainy which is perfect for more sleep or TV. Sorry to hear about your unpleasent task galaxee. The next poster's boss is being a complete jerk to a colleague and it is a reminder of how you were treated the same way when you started out.
No, my boss is rarely a jerk. In fact, I will miss having him for a boss. The next poster drove through the hellacious storm to work, grinning most of the way because the new tires and BT plate made handling a dream.
i was positively thrilled with the difference our new tires made, yes. the next poster is taking a day off work on their birthday for the first time they can remember.
Cake? For breakfast? What would the muffin think? The next poster wishes orionll and galaxee a very happy birthday.
Happy birthday, orionll and galaxee!!! [Sings loudly and happily. Coworkers scowl and throw things] The next poster would like to leave work NOW, due to the storm getting WORSE...
No. I am already home. A storm is approaching though. The next poster is having a girls movie night and a dinner on friday night at home.
no. i'm thinking of eventually having breakfast though. i don't quite know what to do with this day off just yet. the next poster is tired of the construction across the street.
I'm tired of the construction in my office. The next poster is trying to accomplish something complicated for their boss who is currently in another country.
Nope - my boss is here in the same office and country as I am. Although my boss's boss maybe visiting our Oz office soon. The next poster is going to have Mongolian BBQ for lunch today.
No, I idly ate organic tortilla chips whilst reading a book... it's my day off. The next poster is daunted at all the projects he/she needs to do, and wonders where to start...
Yes. The next poster is near Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park. (I'm going camping there for my birthday tomorrow)