No... not much change in the seasons here in So Cal. The next poster is ready to fall back after springing ahead.
Nope, I avoid meetings at all costs. I haven't been to one yet that wasn't a huge waste of time. THe next poster heard their car over head paged today as a "Toy-yoder" as in "Will the owner of the Toy-yoder please move their car?"
If I'd heard Toyoder, I'd have thought I was in England, or maybe New Zealand. The next poster does not have a toy Yoda on their dashboard.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ Oct 11 2007, 06:48 PM) [snapback]524299[/snapback]</div> Yes, that is No, I don't. But I do have a Toy phaser keychain in my cup holder. The next poster is not feeling as confident they're going to get that job they interviewed for, after all. (I saw one of the competition today...she's young, thin and blonde.)
Yes, I AM confident that you WILL get the job! The next poster has had a smug moment at a gas station
No. I will drive at most 25 miles from here on out and end up at home. The next poster is hoping for a good strong downpour later this afternoon to wash the seven layers of gunk off his/her Prius.
Well rain would be nice, but it wont happen THe next poster has a great way to remove wallpaper! & wants to share it with me
No such luck wishing for that. And Trixie is very dirty and could use a nice shower. The next poster will not be sleeping in their own bed tonight.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eclectcmoi @ Oct 12 2007, 03:15 PM) [snapback]524767[/snapback]</div> No. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Oct 12 2007, 10:00 AM) [snapback]524579[/snapback]</div> The next poster will know what a 'blank' is after this explanation: In the 1980's, there was a TV show on ABC called MAX HEADROOM. On that show (set 15 minutes into the future, BTW), there were people who did not have credit; nor ID'S. They were known as 'blanks', and for the longest time, I was a 'blank' (no credit cards), until a few years ago when I was forced into it. So, getting a toll tag was yet another step towards me losing my status as a 'blank'.
Yes! a "blank" is "off-the-grid", or "off-the-radar" (yes, I know off the grid usually means off electrical service, but I've heard it used for those that refuse to "take the mark of the beast") (re: wallpaper removal. Rent a pro wallpaper remover steamer thingy. It's worth it) The next poster is installing the BT plate tomorrow
No, already did that. Let us know what you think, Raven. The next poster just got home from a scenic drive on a spectacular day and saw 3 Lamborghinis, 4 Ferraris, and more Porsche and Prius than they could count.
NO SH*T! The next poster is glad that the scripts FINALLY finished, the project was published, and she could LEAVE WORK.... 40 minutes after everyone else... sigh... Home now! yay!
Not really. I just started work today. Its 9am at this part of the world. The next poster holds 2 jobs
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(h2photo @ Oct 12 2007, 02:12 PM) [snapback]524766[/snapback]</div> (Score the wallpaper with a little rotary thingie you can probably get at Lowe's or Home Depot. I think it looks like the "scrubbing bubble" in the commercial but had spiked wheels underneath to score the paper. Then use warm water with fabric softener and dampen the paper with a sponge. Don't get it soaking wet. Dampen it and wait, you may have to dampen again. Then you can either peel it off or you might have to gently scrape it. I've already done this on plaster walls, I rented a steamer, it was ineffective and it was a labor intensive job. I wish I had had the little scorer and knew about the fabric softener trick then. Good luck.)