Nope, but my son's girlfriend started her freshman year in college and she's definitely homesick, or maybe just lovesick. I do not know, they just spend hours and hours on the phone. I was never like that, was I? "The next poster thinks that everyone must have an Uncle Bob." -eclectcmoi I have an Uncle Bob on both the maternal and paternal and paternal sides of my family. And, I am married to an Uncle Bob. Everyone should be so fortunate! Oops! Aunt Bee I see you snuck in ahead of me. We're not browsing tonight but in the past we've been known to classify stores by hoity-toity exclusive (Sam's Club, Costco, etc. because you need a membership card) and fast food joint (Jewel, Albertsons, etc. local chain supermarkets). When all four of our kids were living at home my <strike>cheap</strike> frugal husband had no qualms about taking them grazing on a Saturday afternoon. The next posterwants to know how to get rid of fleas without bombing the house.
Nope. The next poster is loving the new feature (new to him/her at least) on his MAC, where you take the CONTROL key, hold it down, and then move the SCROLL wheel on your mouse, and now the screen can zoom in, thus, less strain on the eyes!
nope, i just love my widescreen. [geeky teacher: frontline is worth its weight in gold. bombing is miserable and didn't work for us. frontline and spraying the yard fixed our flea problem.] the next poster is up late since they slept a good portion of the day today.
No, this is the time I am awake every day. The next poster also loves his/her wide screen, but still loves the zoom feature.
Zoom? I don't have a zoom feature. I feel so deprived! The next poster has a favorite type of pen they like to write with.
I used to have a favorite pen--my somewhat pricey Sensa Pen. But it "grew legs" and disappeared from my desk one night at work. Now I just stick with the freebie pens the drug reps give us. The next poster wonders why the little green light on the new printer won't stop blinking. It test printed just fine.
No. I think it means it's out of paper. Or some sort of other warning. The next poster just farted, and frankly, is willing to admit he/she is not bothered by that.
Didn't. Generally he who dealt it is not bothered as such, but those downwind may have a different opinion. ( In our house they're referred to as "toots" and are usually the cause of much hilarity. ) The next poster is on PC waaay longer than intended.
Nope, in fact quit the opposite. I would love to spend more time on PC again, but am just so doggone busy these days. I missed so many good "the next posters" that I wish I could have answered. (I too have way too many mosquito bites these days - fortunately no malaria yet. Hope it stays that way.) The next poster is curious to see what the cafeteria will offer today besides fish and rice.
no, even though my employeer is perhaps the largest food service company in the world, I will go to Wegmans and pick up some fish and rice in the form of sushi. The next poster really needs some time off, but can't take it until November.
no vacation till december or january here. though DH all of a sudden has some time off. <_< the next poster wonders when all the crap will end.
No... I think the crap pretty much all works out in the end. B) The next poster loves little 100 calorie snack packs.
Nope, I don't do snack packs - a glass of water and some fruit keeps me going through the afternoon. What's in them eMoi? The next poster can't believe it's only Wednesday!!!
I can't believe it's only Wednesday, but come the holiday Monday night I won't believe it's already Monday. The next poster ate a lot of fruits and vegetables today.
nope. i had a cup of applesauce, but i have barely touched food today. the next poster is crossing their fingers over something.
No, well, sort of... I'm talking to my kitty, explaining that her new/different food really is food, and she isn't being starved, and it will be fine, just EAT THE DAMN CATFOOD! The next poster prefers Advantage for fleas, and vacuums frequently. In case of infestation, go get some plain borax and sprinkle around the edges of the carpets... vacuum it out tomorrow.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rae Vynn @ Aug 29 2007, 09:16 PM) [snapback]504096[/snapback]</div> Nope. I use Revolution. Fleas, Ticks, Mites and Heartworm. And I don't have carpets. I don't have to spray the yard anymore. Did with I first started the previous dogs on the stuff. First, Frontline, then Advantage, then Revolution. Haven't had to spray for a long time. Ants however are another matter. The next poster took their work home with them tonight.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Aug 29 2007, 07:25 PM) [snapback]504103[/snapback]</div> I always take my work home with me... The next poster really wants to go to sleep early tonight
i get the feeling i'll be staring up at the ceiling for hours no matter when i go to bed. the next poster hauled about $30k worth of tools and other equipment from place to place tonight.