Yes. I find it difficult to type with __(fill in blank here, anything will work)___ in my lap. The next poster is wondering (and hoping..) whether everything went well for Galaxee and DH.
well... we're still wondering ourselves :mellow: we have mixed news- some good and some bad- and are trying to sort everything out. thanks the next poster is under strict orders to rip a co-worker's ex a new one if he's stupid enough to call their work phone again.
No, but I occasionally get annoyed with the personal calls that go on around me, here at work, where we are supposed to be working. The next poster has homework to do.
I have work that I brought home, does that count? The next poster would really like an afternoon nap!
Haven't managed a siesta in years. The next poster isn't likely to get much rest at any time of day for a while, lambing started yesterday!
i'm trying not to twist anything. the next poster has a bigger container for recycling than they have for garbage. [samiam, i can understand. calving season is similar, always have to be vigilant! calves are so big this year the family farm lost 4 cows to calving problems!]
Twist is a big word with many meanings, if you mean like Chubby Checkers, no. Yes, we are big time recyclers. Samian: are you are shearer? Beaten to the post! The next poster needs to brush up on a foreign language real quick.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(robincx @ Aug 22 2007, 09:54 PM) [snapback]500772[/snapback]</div> Sorry. My language days are over. The next poster is considering what their next home improvement project will be. (I'm upgraded to 125 amp and my PV should be passed soon. I'm considering the tankless now.)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Aug 23 2007, 02:52 PM) [snapback]500771[/snapback]</div> With lambs it's usually the number not the size -- singletons, easy; twins, ok; triplets, make room beside the coal range in the kitchen. The first 6 have popped in the past 24 hrs, only about 100 or so to go. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(robincx @ Aug 23 2007, 02:54 PM) [snapback]500772[/snapback]</div> No, I am Sam <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Aug 23 2007, 03:09 PM) [snapback]500779[/snapback]</div> In my experience, all home renovations are tankless jobs. B) We have several underway at any given moment here, and a list that will outlive me. The next poster is spending half their waking hours in front of a honking big (27 in) computer screen and the other half doing chores outdoors in the freezing cold.
No, my puny 19-in computer pales in comparison and it's anything but freezing here. Triple digit temps again today(my grass is brown and crunchy, the tap water tastes bad and smells worse) while the drought of '07 continues. The next poster has a summer cold and can't breathe very well today.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(AuntBee @ Aug 22 2007, 11:14 PM) [snapback]500805[/snapback]</div> Nope. Not a cold all summer. Of course, it helps not to be exposed to one. The next poster has at least one carton of ice cream, sherbert, sorbet or something of that ilk in their freezer. (I have three cartons of sherbert and am going to make my own custom rainbow.)
Yes, I think there's a few slices of mango ice cream cake left. Hmm. The next poster is suddenly hungry.
Well, no, I just finished a late dinner, but I'm sure that if I had mango ice-cream cake, that might be different. The next poster finished picking 4 paint colors for the outside of their house today.
I do have some waiting today, but I should be chatting with a friend while it's happening. The next poster had a rootbeer float the other day and that made it seem even more like summer. (Hope you feel better soon AuntBee!)
I only have 1 in-home apt today, so I do have to wait to start any projects! The next poster is craving chinese (@ 9in the morning!?!)
No, but I did eat at a fantastic Chinese restaurant here in Cotonou the other day. It featured probably ythe most elaborate decor I have ever seen in a Chinese restaurant anywhere. I will definitely have to go there again. The next poster changed jobs within the last year and a half and is really glad that they did.