<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dreichla @ Aug 20 2007, 08:12 PM) [snapback]499488[/snapback]</div> Yes. Last time I had some fabulous Indian food at "The Tandoori". It was the restaurant attached to the hotel. But I can't remember the name of the hotel. The next poster is sweating like a pig and thinking of all of the things on their "to do" list that still aren't done.
Focusing on the list yes, sweating, no. The next poster is interviewing potential communications new hires.
noooooo. had two students this summer, those were the last two "new hires" i'm taking on. the next poster is trying to cope with a lot right now.
Unless I'm coping with no electricity, I'm not coping with much! The next poster is happy today is over!!
It's been a good day so I'm not overly anxious for it to end. The next poster finds winning at computer solitaire oddly satisfying.
No, I'm more into Mah Jong solitare... And, the next poster has what is delicately called "Tourney chest" after a fun-filled weekend at a Ren Faire.
Not exactly, but I do have this burning sensation in my throat, most likely brought on by the dry, dirty air and oppressive heat. (But thank you, Lord, for last night's downpour) Next poster is hoping TJ and wife get some good news about their home purchase.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(AuntBee @ Aug 21 2007, 12:18 AM) [snapback]499567[/snapback]</div> Why, yes! Yes I am! The next poster is now just counting the days till Christmas.
Christmas!? No, I'm counting the days until it's back to school. B) The next poster's going to be sound asleep in about 10 minutes.
would like to be, but in about 10 minutes i have to get up and tend to my experiment. the next poster is wondering if they'll be able to order more supplies soon.
That reminds me I need to call the supply clerk again to see if he is in since I do in fact need to order some supplies. The next poster is witing for their boss' replacement so show up so they can stop working those 50+ hour weeks, but once said new boss shows up will miss the paid OT.
Yes the paid OT sounds nice, I miss that. My boss is on vacation--have mixed feelings about that. Next poster is getting a foot massage right now.
No, but I could use one. The next poster is confused as to why the F3 and F4 keys on his new Apple Keyboard don't want to work, despite having returned the keyboard, and downloading new software and all.
Jobs will fix it in the next release that will make all your expensive software invalid, thus costing you thousands in upgrades, but it will be worth it because it's an Apple. I loved them when they were truly for the creative fields, but now that they have become so cute and heavily oriented to the iPod set I have sadly gone to the darkside. My Mac museum is for sale except my ProTools machine. The next poster is enjoying a nice drizzly autumn like day.
nope, 82F and overcast here. blech. i'd prefer an autumn like day. the next poster isn't so busy today as they were yesterday.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Aug 22 2007, 11:16 AM) [snapback]500269[/snapback]</div> Absolutely. I even have time to check PriusChat today The next poster will have dinner tonight at a restaurant on the beach under a palm tree and enjoy the cool evening breeze.
Well... I will be very close to the beach tonight in Laguna watching the Pageant of the Masters. Might have dinner too. The next poster finds it very hard to type with a cat on their lap.