Nope - I ate a big breakfast earlier. I do want some coffee right now, if that will do... The next poster wated a three hour trip to an event that was cancelled last night, yet somehow didn't get irritated.
No... I didn't, but good for you Mad Hatter for retaining your cool. The next poster was told a secret from a friend today that was more than a bit surprising.
I have it now. Sorry galaxee, it will be with you shortly. Then you two can bond over a sip of hot chocolate (or petrol). The next poster is only a few weeks away from submitting a research paper to a journal and hopes it gets accepted.
Hmm, submitted one a week or so ago, another one "in press" since Jan , and another I'm way behind schedule on getting completed. (Ick, sounds like bragging, feels like overwork). The next poster has to give a keynote address at a big conference this Sunday and is experiencing some self-doubt about whether he has anything new/interesting/controversial/entertaining to tell these people. In other words, suffering from a bad case of existential willies...
i may be on the chopping block for being the only neuroscientist to talk at the department retreat this fall so i can identify. nobody listens to the neuro talk. the next poster thinks 101 degrees F is not a temperature they want to go walking around outdoors in.
Amen! Temperatures above 87F and evil, and lead to unhappy people. I'm so glad I live in CA.... The next poster offered to sacrifice a (plastic) goat to fix their boss' computer today......
No, can't say I did. The next poster realizes that now is the time to buy snow gear, including tires.
Yes, it would make sense that you'd get better deals on it this time of the year. We don't get much snow in TN though, so I don't purchase snow gear. Next poster is thinking about taking a ballroom dancing class.
That was a terrific episode!! (No, didn't get the soundtrack... but since I want the "Spider Pig" operatic treatment from the Simpsons Movie, maybe I'll look for Scrubs, too.) The next poster is saying farewell to 10 more friends at work today, as the company continues monthly rounds of layoffs until everyone is finally gone, next January.
Losing three this month, interns are going back to school. Sorry to hear ChristoB - death of an American company? Airline? Verizon Wireless? Textile? Car manufacture? Since we're into farewell's, the next poster is saying farewell to summer time & vacations.
Big time. I'm getting a bit burned out, but I know it is for the better. The next poster is sick as could be, probably from draining themselves on deadlines.
Ha. I don't spend much time on my hair unless I have a business appointment. Otherwise, ponytails work for me. Right now I look like Pebbles. The next poster enjoys fruit smoothies.