Yes, but it's getting harder to keep all those candles lit at the same time... The next poster's thinking of a fruit run to their Grandma's orchard to fill the car with peaches.
Mmmm peaches... Nope, not me. The only orchards nearby are pear orchards, and I see how much damn pesticides they spray on them. Won't catch me eating those! The next poster ate way too much peanutbutter and jelly as a kid, and won't touch the stuff now.
i still eat a lot of pb&j sandwiches for lunches. they're cheap. the next poster is extremely happy for a close friend, albeit incredibly jealous.
A friend of mine at work won the lottery (50 thousand)--I was a tad jealous, but she deserves it. She's almost 70 and has had a hard life. So I am very happy for her. The next poster is still getting used to her new computer. The old one bit the dust last week.
Sort of, I may be a little achy now and then, but I never give up. Youth is in the mind. Ride a skateboard, ride a bike, play a loud guitar, drive a Prius, it replaces a long line of VW surf vehicles. The next poster is doing a huge remodel.
No. I have an old house and can attest that paint colors do wonders in approving appearances. The next poster loves root beer.
I woudn't say I love rootbeer, but I do like rootbeer floats. Just don't have them that often. The next poster has been to an A&W drive in where car hops brought you your food and hooked the tray to your car's window.
Ya know, I must LOVE root beer as I just had a deja vu with your response and believe I asked this question in this thread before! The next poster doesn't care if there are slugs all over their garden vegetables. (My neighbor gave me some lettuce with this added gift.)
True, I don't mind slugs or ants. I just shake them off, happy in knowing no pesticides were used. The next poster, like me, is going to see Sunshine at the movies for a 2001'ish science-in-a-movie experience.
I'd be happy enough to see sunshine out the window. The next poster likes all four seasons, but would prefer they stick to schedule.
Absolutely, since coming to the northeast I have become sync'd to the seasons, a far cry from the constant summer of So Cal. My ski bag is ready, so Winter can come anytime it likes. The next poster enjoys the radonnee experience
No, but I remember the Jimi Hendrix Experience... The next poster enjoyed the first day in over a week in which it hasn't hosed down rain rain rain
we could really use some rain to cool things off. it's been really hot all week. 100+ with heat index. the next poster has been up for 19 hours.
Nope. That will come all too soon and happen at least once a week when school starts up again. I love my job but the nightmares from stress are already starting. The next poster has an overabundance of fresh tomatos. (Or is it tomatoes? tomahtos? Where is Dan Quayle now?)
NO. I wish you were a little closer than Chicago, and I would thankfully share your tomato surplus. The next poster is corresponding via email with a cousin that they didn't know they had, whom they recently discovered in a genealogical dig. It is a small world after all.
Actually I'm in a pretty decent mood. Sorry to hear you're in a foul mood, if that is the case. This afternoon I get to go to the airport to pick up a new employee who is direct-transfering from Dakar, Senegal, and I get to show him around town. Will be a nice break from the daily routine. The next poster wishes there were more (any?) Prii in West-Africa.