Wow... I never get up that early, and yet, I am in fact, contemplating it tomorrow, for a photo outing... Jury's still out, if I'll commit to such a painful wakeup time! The next poster is going to take their current book-of-the-moment, and go read & enjoy a latte at 'bucks...
nope, in fact i am finally in a position where i can kick back on the couch and do nothing for a while! until i get up the motivation to vacuum. [i inadvertently inhaled some radiacwash mist... ick] the next poster is sleeping in tomorrow- way in.
Yes, I am I work graveyards, and at 5 pm, I started my third consecutive 15-hour shift this week...I am off tomorrow morning at 8 am, and will not have to be back until 10 pm Saturday night... I definitely plan on getting some sleep :lol: The next poster is thinking about trading for a 2008 Prius B)
I'll be happy to answer this with a yes.... my very first yes. How exciting is that? I'm hope to wrap up over 60. I am mastering the art of pulse and glide and on my way to euphoria. The next poster is in a rut, same old day in day out rut.
actually i'm doing some major gear changing this coming week. my student finished his summer program today so i'm done with 80% of my teaching, i've got thousands of dollars of supplies on order, finishing my interrupted-by-teaching data collection and moving on to the new stuff when the supplies get in. whew! the next poster did a lot of cleaning today.
Yes, last night I watched meteorites streaking through our atmosphere to their firey deaths. All from a hammock with my wife and daughter at my side. That was fun. While not actually the afternoon for me, it was if you lived in Hawaii. The next poster is a bit of an amateur astronomer
A strong interest, definitely. The next poster spent most of yesterday reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows from cover to cover.
No... I'm one of those people you hear about... I have no cell phone, no digital cable tv channels, no blackberry... and (gasp!) I've never read a single HP book! (I did however, just finish a biography on Bess of Hardwick.) The next poster just found a new location to rekindle their drooping interest in photography.
No, I shoot almost daily. I average 300 shots a week, yielding a few real keepers. The next poster is dripping sweat from a killer fast bike ride.
nope, i just woke up and had breakfast. i hope i'm not getting sick. the next poster has to go in for an oil change today.
No, I change my own. Are you sure you wouldn't rather have your oil changed at home, when you're feeling better? :huh: The next poster might go camping next weekend to see meteor showers.
Most definately, certainly over the 14th and 15th. The next poster is can adjust the mirrors of a Dobsonian
i actually haven't been hungry all day. not a good sign. the next poster has extramural car repairs to do well into the foreseeable future.
Nope, all is good here with the autos. The next poster will watch the International Space Station pass by tonight in perfectly clear skys.
Nope... enjoying basically total silence right now in my condo---I can hear the clock in the hall, ticking, from my desk. But I did have some Glenn Miller on earlier! The next poster has a birthday this month.