X-ray powers have always been high on my list ever since I ordered those X-ray glasses as a kid that proved worthless. The next poster needs sleep.
No. The next poster is wondering how he would look in a nice pink shirt, with ruffles. (And NO, I am not thinking that....cheeky monkeys!)
In my dreams maybe. I have trouble climbing the stairs in my raised ranch house. The next poster would like to explore the deepest oceans rather than the highest mountains.
Yes and yes, I have done quite a bit of underwater documentary camera work and editing. I have also been on top of Whitney twice and most major Sierra peaks. The next poster woke in a strange place.
After ruling out a few comedic or sarcastic replies, I have to say No. The next time I anticipate waking up in a strange place won't be until Oct. 20. The next poster did however, wake up mistaking today for Friday, initially.
i had no idea what day it was, actually. now i'm just deeming it bang-head-against-wall day. the next poster is having a better day than galaxee is.
Uh yes... afraid so and sorry to hear you're not having a good day galaxee. The next poster has given blood recently.
No. When I go for my annual exams I have to lay down while they take my blood as I get wooozy. I'm chicken of it. The next poster has stiff muscles.
Yep, from banging my head against the wall, like Galaxee. (Can I whine, here?) Next poster thinks that anyone contemplating home improvements should go lie down until the feeling goes away.
That does occur after all the hard work. Call me crazy, but after the meditation garden I put in this summer, I got the bright idea to remodel the kitchen and a bathroom. I'm better when I'm spontanious - I'll lay down after reality has set in. The next poster is going to Watkins Glen soon.
I'm afraid not, but I did ride my moto to Porto Novo the other day just for the heck of it. And while I was at it, on the way back I hung a left to see how far it was to the border with Nigeria (about 9 miles). Even though the rainy season is **supposed to** be over it's still raining today, but if it's dry this weekend, I'm tempted to take a moto ride to Grand Popo and possibly Possotome. Eventually I'll see if I can work up enough nerve to take the moto across the border into Togo, so I can have lunch with a friend in Lome. The catch with all of this is that for safety reasons I'm always required to be back within Cotonou by the time it gets dark. The next poster has no idea where any of these places are.
No, when I first saw your posts about Benin, I took a further interest in the small west African country you are currently residing. I have the beautiful coastline and lakes, lat=6.39899647204, lon=2.3475598376 pegged on my Google Earth. The next poster has spent extensive time in a third world nation(s)
Nope. Though I did grow up, here in the States, in a house with no indoor plumbing or electricity, if that comes close... The next poster arrived at the office to find the AC is not working, and the indoor temp is already 81 and stuffy.
ick, fortunately no, they always have it nice and cool in here. can't have the equipment overheating. the next poster isn't ready to face another day yet.
Too late. It's already here. The next poster is so fortunate to work for such a generous boss who gives profit sharing bonuses!
wow, that would be nice. but we don't really make profits around here, just data. the next poster inhaled something really nasty and can't stop the watery eyes and coughing fits.
Ummm, you're not here are you. I thought I snuck that one out. :lol: The next poster is going home!!!
Well, yes, I am - four hours later. Galaxee, hopefully it wasn't too bad. It wasn't the red fumes coming off the Mercury Fulminate, was it? The next poster is really really glad that they won't have to get up at 5:00 tomorrow....