The ringing isn't the problem, it's sporatic, it's the call content that get's in the way The next poster has bunnies, robins, grackels and a cardinal on their lawn.
Nope! (Living on the 6th floor of a condo, in a very urban area, precludes both lawn, and lawn critters. Though I do sometimes hear raccoons at night, in the back, wooded area by the pool.) The next poster wishes that Tech Support (for a software package that is in fact, used for tech support ticket tracking) could reset their own users' locked passwords in something less than 18 minutes...
No, it should at least take 19 minutes. The next poster hopes not to plan any more road trips with friends in the future since it's a big pain in the neck to fit everyone's schedules.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Michgal007 @ Jul 24 2007, 10:32 AM) [snapback]484112[/snapback]</div> Not a problem here. Just move to West-Africa to make it a big pain in the neck for your friends to come visit you and no more need to plan road trips for them. You can just plan your own trips around your own schedule. The next poster is counting down the minutes to quittin' time to get out of this madhouse for the day.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Michgal007 @ Jul 24 2007, 10:32 AM) [snapback]484112[/snapback]</div> Not a problem here. Just move to West-Africa to make it a big pain in the neck for your friends to come visit you and no more need to plan road trips for them. You can just plan your own trips around your own schedule. The next poster is counting down the minutes to quittin' time to get out of this madhouse for the day. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Michgal007 @ Jul 24 2007, 10:32 AM) [snapback]484112[/snapback]</div> Not a problem here. Just move to West-Africa to make it a big pain in the neck for your friends to come visit you and no more need to plan road trips for them. You can just plan your own trips around your own schedule. The next poster is counting down the minutes to quittin' time to get out of this madhouse for the day.
Yes, but should I count them three times? The next poster wonders what the Beninese government is doing to cut down on the internet scams that originate from that country.
Actually, I wasn't though I was doing somrthing similar. I noticed over the last 2 weeks that my filters have stopped hundreds of e-mails that pretend to be from the "online greeting card" sites - and I was wondering how to explain to my wife that she should stop sending "e-cards". No, dear, I never got it - it was filtered out as SPAM with the rest of the crap. The next poster needs to pick an antique tile pattern for a bathroom remodel in an 1897 house....
No... 1974 condo here, but that doesn't mean the bath isn't due for a remodel!! The next poster is trying to give up Diet Coke.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ChristoB @ Jul 24 2007, 01:29 PM) [snapback]484198[/snapback]</div> Yes, by drinking Coke zero The next poster is wondering, when the music's over, will you turn out the lights?
I don't mind the lights off, but could we leave the music on? The next poster's experienced their fair share of funerals already in their all-too-brief life.
no, i have a comparitively small family and only a few truly close friends. i do consider myself fortunate to not have lost too many of them yet. (my condolences, hyo, if you've just lost someone close) the next poster is supposed to be on vacation, but was dealt some business to take care of and is now irritated with the number of non-recreation phone calls they are making and/or receiving.
Not currently, but this is how every single vacation of my is managed. I've even asked my sister to accrue things so as not to have to call but 2 or 3 times a day. This is lost on her. So, while I'm not currently going through it, I can completely sympathize w/ you. The next poster goes roller blading on a regular basis.
Shoot, I gave that up 10 years and 30 pounds ago. The bigger they are the harder they fall you know. The next poster is listening to the Cubs/Cards game on the radio because the satelite guy can't repair the connection until next Sunday. Go Cubs Go!
No, watched the Tour tonight - after rollerblading The next poster just discovered a new author and is excited about reading all their works.
Sort of. I'm currently reading "The Lady in Blue" by Javier Sierra. He's new to me though I don't know if I'll read another by him yet. Ask me again when I finish this book. The next poster loves to read but is very slow at it (Miss ADHD here has a hard time concentrating).
I like to read, but I don't seem to make enough time for it, since I also like to watch movies and zone out in front of the computer in my free time. I usually end up reading 100-150 or pages of something in one session and then not pick the book up again for 2-4 weeks. I recently finished reading Crypto by Steven Levy. As soon as I finish my current book I hope that the three Microsoft Certification books that I recently ordered from Amazon will arrive so that I can get to work on finishing the upgrade to my MCSE certification. Which brings me to the next poster: The next poster actually recieves a pay increase for receiving certain computer certifications. ...oh, and sorry about that sort-of triple post a bit above. My ISP experienced quite the hiccup when I tried sending that reply.
Not a direct corelation, but I see increases for them - I have several. The next poster is going for a walk.
Nope - I've got my nice person firmly planted in the chair in my office. I usually can't get out in the field during this time of year - too many people on vacation and somebody has to deal with the customers.... The next poster really really needs more excercise, since they no longer get any at work....
Oh yes... I dropped my modest gym routine when I got sucked into a renewed interest in photography, after upgrading cameras. The next poster has convinced 6 officemates to go for Ethiopian for lunch tomorrow!
No, but sounds like yummy fun. The next poster wonders if the light really does stay on in the refrigerator when you close the door.