I just got in to my pijamas. I organized a non-profit booth at the Ann Arbor art fair this week for an organization called Asha. We had a Henna tatoo artist and jewelry for sale. We made over $2000. Over $1000 profit after paying the artist. The next poster will check out our organization chapter at www.ashanet.org/annarbor.
Hmmm, We did have banana peppers with dinner last night... and my wife is burning Hungarian and Jalapeno peppers as I write to make a killer salsa. The recipe is from my sister-in-law who's from Mexico. I'm certain I'll pay the price tomorrow morning. The next poster is going to enjoy a nice, cool and refreshing bike ride today.
Yes. The next poster is loading music in their iTunes, and now has over 34,262 items from their CD Collection, and is not done yet.
No... I ripped all my cd tracks (that I wanted) several years ago when I got my ipod. Now, just the occasional single track off itunes... The next poster saw "Hairspray" today, and had to explain John Waters and Divine, and correct the mistaken assumption that this movie "stemmed from the original Broadway play"
No, was it any good? I like John Travolta. The next poster enjoyed a beautiful afternoon going to the garden center, bought some new flowers (hydrangeas and periwinkles) and met a really nice guy looking at passion flowers.
nope, we spent the afternoon at hybridfest with a bunch of nice people, then drove up to our hometown, and spent the evening with some really close friends. the next poster is more calm now than they were earlier today.
um, well, yes, but you had further to go with that than I. The next poster thinks galaxee should leave a huge king cobra in her car when parked, windows down, and a sign in the windshield that says 'beware of snake.'
No, but my finger is sore from too many laps on the racing games. The next poster has no illusions that their post total will ever exceed their member number.
Boy, you got that right!! Just look at my member id#!! 97 posts vs 26,347... The next poster is about to become a "Senior Prius Poster" any minute now...
Maybe someday.... The next poster is stuck in beurocratic Catch-22 hell today. Can anybody say "That's not my job?" Next person who says it gets WHACKED........ Whee! Whack-A-Mole!
Why yes, my two o'clock call prompted visions of bad things for three participants. Arrrrrrrggggghhhhh. The next poster will kick soccer balls real hard tonight.
No, but I smacked the heck out of some shuttlecocks last night though. The next poster has to pick up a load of coal on their way home from work as a frigid antarctic high is moving up the islands. (I somehow doubt that this will be true of any next poster but it always gives me such perverse delight to carry coal in my prius ).
Coal in a Prius? How antiquatedly anachronistic of you. No, not I. The next poster likes to read Dr. Suess' Fox in Sox as fast as possible.
No but congrats! I congratulated you on another thread too. Next poster watched a sitcom on Lifetime last night in which the main character's car was shown to be a Prius (red). Does anyone know the name of the show?
Nope, since I'm afraid I'm not much into sitcoms. The next poster is getting tired of the phone ringing off the hook, since it's getting in the way of actually getting some work done.