No, no apts here for the last 20 yrs. The next poster may sell their house and move to the lake. ( would prefer the Pacific Ocean But $$$$$$$)
No. I wouldn't appreciate a residence by a large body of water. I have a little creek and love it, however. The next poster has had an experience where they found out a business associate was unscrupulous to their surprise and dismay.
No, a Kanuk love, even though it's only winter coats. The next poster lives above the 49th Parallel and is wondering where to take his summer vacation to escape this cold & rainy weather.
Nope - I'm heading to Cancun in the first week of September - right in the middle of the rainy season. Maybe Australia? The next poster has been away from their desk too long, and is probably cross-posting again.... EDIT: HA HA HA I got away with it! The next poster likes Japanese ginger cracker snacks!
I haven't had them, but probably. I love ginger with my sushi though. - Also I was just at Ta Ke Sushi in Toronto - EXCELLENT!!! - Derail, Kanuk is great gear as well, love your city! The next poster has out of town clients coming in tomorrow.
nope but we're going out of town soon, does that sorta count? the next poster is ready to throttle the parts guy.
No. Too tired to throttle anybody. Next poster had a really Manic Monday. (Godiva, your family fueds make mine seem little! Thanks for digressing.)
Yeah, my Monday was pretty crazy, although I'm not sure it really qualified as "Manic." Sorry Galaxee, no parrots here. Although we have about as many small lizards running around here as you have squirrels back home. It's a bit of a pain when they get inside the house, though. The next poster really enjoys playing this "next poster" game.
i think it's fun. that's why i started it [no senegals? aww. maybe their habitat is only in certain parts of benin.] the next poster got to work late and nobody noticed!
Totally YES! The office is being closed over the next 9 months, layoffs are taking place in monthly stages (first 10 folks go this Friday) and in general, everything is already "dead quiet" here... The next poster is craving some good indian food for lunch today...
yes and no. too much to do between now and then. supplies to order, things to tweak on the prius, a whole car to put together again, a whole protocol to put together, packing, laundry, aaaaaaggghhh!!! the next poster is overwhelmed :blink:
Nope...I'm singing Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum in my head. The next poster would rather be outside enjoying this lovely summer day instead of stuck inside, staring blankly at a computer moniter.
Nope - the only computer problem today is my boss. Out of 11 or 12 people running an application she is the only one who consistently gets bizarre failures. On several different computers. I think she's possessed. The next poster wonders if exorcism and technology can exist in tandem.
Sure, if a bit of ritual magic helps you get through the day, why not? (just don't inflict it on others...) The next poster just heard that they were awarded a very large research grant on the subject of self-explaining roads B)